| - ベイシス・テクノロジー (Basis Technology 正式名称:Basis Technology Corporation) は人工知能を活用して複数の言語の文章や非構造化データを分析するソフトウェアを開発する企業。米国マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに本社を置き、ワシントンD.C.、英国ロンドン、テルアビブおよび東京に営業拠点を持つ。
- BasisTech is a software company specializing in applying artificial intelligence techniques to understanding documents and unstructured data written in different languages. It has headquarters in Somerville, Massachusetts and offices in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., London, Tel Aviv, and Tokyo. Its legal name is Basis Technology Corp. Their software also performs entity extraction, that is finding words which refer to people, places, and organizations from text for uses such as due diligence, intelligence and metadata tagging.
| - ベイシス・テクノロジー (Basis Technology 正式名称:Basis Technology Corporation) は人工知能を活用して複数の言語の文章や非構造化データを分析するソフトウェアを開発する企業。米国マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに本社を置き、ワシントンD.C.、英国ロンドン、テルアビブおよび東京に営業拠点を持つ。
- BasisTech is a software company specializing in applying artificial intelligence techniques to understanding documents and unstructured data written in different languages. It has headquarters in Somerville, Massachusetts and offices in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., London, Tel Aviv, and Tokyo. Its legal name is Basis Technology Corp. The company was founded in 1995 by graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to use artificial intelligence techniques for natural language processing to help computer systems understand written human language. Its software focuses on analyzing freeform text so that applications can do a better job understanding the meaning of the words. For example, their software can identify tokens, part-of-speech, and lemmas. The tools can also identify different forms of names and phrases. The name of someone, say Albert P. Jones for instance, can appear in many different ways. Some texts will call him "Al Jones", others "Mr. Jones" and others "Albert Paul Jons". Their software also performs entity extraction, that is finding words which refer to people, places, and organizations from text for uses such as due diligence, intelligence and metadata tagging. The company is best known for its Rosette product which uses Natural Language Processing techniques to improve information retrieval, text mining, search engines and other applications. The tool is used to enable search engines to search in multiple languages, and match identities and dates. BasisTech software is also used by forensic analysts to search through files for words, tokens, phrases or numbers that may be important to investigators, as well as provide software (Cyber Triage) that helps organizations respond to cyberattacks.