| - Actual pandemic started with first cases in China and fast spread in Europe, Asia and the next continents became a global concern from March, so the most of countries ordered a lockdown to decrease infection rate forced people to stay at home. Meanwhile, the infection was growing around all the world, daily news usually show the number of cases per country and people increased the use of Internet to work trough videoconference tools and use of Social Networks to communicate what they think, feel about covid19 issue. In Colombia the first case was detected on March 6, the lockdwon was announced on March 20 and the first death on March 21. During all this time, people were evolving his concern about covid19 and staying at home slowly therefore this behaviour was changing over the time. The proposal of the paper is analyzed the behaviour of the population using Social Media and Text Mining algorithms. The results shows how the topic covid19 was increasing during the time, sleep patterns changed, and people were worried about fear to death, family travelling outside of Colombia and public health actions.