| - Jair Rodrigues de Oliveira (February 6, 1939, Igarapava - SP - Brazil – May 8, 2014, Cotia - Brazil) was a Brazilian singer, father of [a34246] and [a127528] (artistic name %22Jairzinho%22), who followed his musical career. It was established in Nova Europa, inland city of São Paulo State, where he lived until 1954, then moved with his family to São Carlos, where he could start his musical career, because this city had the best nightlife in the region. His musical career began when he was a crooner in the mid-50 in São Carlos, arriving in 1954 and participating in its nightlife, which was intense, at the time also presented himslef at São Carlos Radio as a music contestant and with cameos, living intensely in this city, by the end of the decade. In 1958 Jair Rodrigues gave military service in Tiro de Guerra São Carlos ( a military unity), as Recruit #134. In the early 60's Jair had gone to São Paulo city to achieve success, and obtained it by participating in television programs. In 1965, [a30703] and Jair Rodrigues had a very successful partnership program in %22O Melhor da Bossa%22 (The Best of Bossa), a TV Record show. In 1966, Jair participated in a music festival with the song %22Disparada%22, by [a340322] and [a450995], in conjunction with the band [a83735]. Known for singing sambas, Jair surprised public with a beautiful interpretation of the song. %22Disparada%22 and %22Banda%22, by [a312060] and interpreted by [a83772], were the favourites. The festival ended tied. From that moment on, his career took off and his talent ensured decades of success to him. Jair released an album a year and played hits %22O Menino da Porteira%22, %22Boi da Cara Preta%22 and %22Sua Majestade, o Sabiá%22. Toured through Europe, the U.S. and Japan in 1971, recorded the samba-theme %22Festa Para Um Rei Negro%22, for the Escola de Samba Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, of Rio de Janeiro. In the following decades, the production declined in amount, however, he was still known by his great energy and his infectious joy.Dead in May 08, 2014 at the age of 75, by myocardial infarction.