| - Lupicínio Rodrigues (1914 - 1974) was a very important Brazilian composer.Lupe, as it was called since childhood, wrote Carnaval songsand samba song, songs that express much feeling,particularly melancholy for a lost love. He was the inventor of the%22música de dor-de-cotovelo%22 (elbow pain-music), which refers to the practice of those who plunges elbows on a bar-counter or table, orders a double scotch or cachaça and cries the loss of a loved one. Constantly abandoned by women Lupicínio sought in his own life for inspiringhis songs, where betrayal and love were always together.From 1935 to 1947, worked as a assistant at the Law CollegeUFRGS. Never out of Porto Alegre except for a few months in 1939to know the music scene in Rio. Porto Alegre was his beloved birthplaceand your entire universe. Bohemian, he was owner of several bars, steakhouses and restaurants with alive music, which was then opening and closing, everything just to have - much more than profit - a place to meet with bohemian friends.Gremio FBPA Soccer Team supporter, he wrote the hymn in 1953.He left about a hundred and fifty songs published, hundreds others were lost, forgotten or are waiting for whom to find. He was buried in St. Michael and Souls Cemetery in Porto Alegre-Brazil.