| - %22Money, Money, Money%22 is a song recorded by Swedish pop group ABBA, written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus. It was released as a single on 1 November 1976, as the follow-up to %22Dancing Queen%22 (both from the album Arrival). The B-side, %22Crazy World%22, was recorded in 1974 during the sessions for the album ABBA.The song (originally titled %22Been and Gone and Done It%22) is sung from the viewpoint of a woman who, despite hard work, can barely keep her finances in surplus, and therefore desires a well-off man.ABBA perform parts of %22Money, Money, Money%22 live in the 1977 film ABBA: The Movie. In the popular musical, Mamma Mia!, the song is sung by the character of Donna as she explains how hard she has to work to keep the taverna in order and her dreams of a better life. In the 2008 film, Meryl Streep sings the song.