| - %22That's Me%22, originally %22Coachman's Farm%22, is a song recorded by the Swedish pop group ABBA in 1976. It was released as a single in Japan the following year (with %22Money, Money, Money%22 as the B-side) to promote the band's Arrival album, and reached number 75 on the official Japanese charts. Elsewhere, %22That's Me%22 was used as the B-side to ABBA's hit single, %22Dancing Queen%22.A music video, filmed during the making of 1976 TV special ABBA-dabba-doo!, was made for the song to promote it, which combined original footage, as well as clips and outtakes from previous ABBA %22promo videos%22, and had its debut seventeen years after being actually filmed, as part of the More ABBA Gold video compilation in 1993.A greatest hits compilation by Agnetha released internationally in 1998 was named after this song (see That's Me), one of her favorite ABBA songs.