| - %22North Country Blues%22 is a song by Bob Dylan, released on his third studio album The Times They Are a-Changin' in 1964. He also performed it at the 1963 Newport Folk Festival.Its apparently simple format (ten verses of ABCB rhyme scheme), accompanied by only two chords (C#m & Bb) and subject matter (the perils of life in a mining community and its ultimate demise) appears to have been influenced by Woody Guthrie.The specific location of the town is never stated. However, a location on the Iron Range in northern Minnesota is suggested by the song's title, Dylan's childhood residence in Hibbing, Minnesota, and the reference to %22iron ore%22 and %22red iron.%22 The reference to %22red iron pits%22 strongly suggests the location is on the Mesabi Range, a portion of the Iron Range where open-pit mining has predominated, and where Hibbing is situated.The song opens with a deliberately conventional opening (Come gather round friends and I'll tell you a tale...). However, the darkness of the tale soon becomes apparent. Each verse contains at least one tragic situation or event: For starters, speaking of the current day, %22the whole town is empty.%22 When the narrator was young, her mother %22took sick%22 and obviously died, as she was %22brought up by my brother.%22 One day her brother %22failed to come home, the same as my father before him.%22 (The implication is that they failed to come home from the mine, suggesting repeated mining tragedies.) Her schooling was cut short %22to marry John Thomas, a miner.%22 With three children, her husband's work was cut to a one-half shift %22for no reason.%22 %22The man%22 came to town and announced that mine #11 was closing. The price of the mined ore is too high and not worth digging, because it's cheaper from South America where miners work %22almost for nothing.%22 Total desolation, hours last %22twice as long . . . as I waited for the sun to go sinking.%22 Her husband is talking only to himself now, and one morning he up and left her %22alone with three children.%22 The stores have all closed and her children %22will go, as soon as they grow,%22 because %22there ain't nothing here now to hold them.%22Dylan hides the fact that the narrator is a woman to the end of verse four. The song ends bleakly, as by this time the woman has lost her husband, mother, father and brother; the mine is closed and the town is virtually abandoned; and soon her children will leave her in complete isolation and desolation.Within this apparently restricting and morose format, referred to as a %22formally conservative exercise in first-person narrative%22 Dylan manages to achieve significant tonal and expressive variation, and the song is considered by some to be one of his most effective in the 'folk-song' genre.In 1968, Joan Baez included a cover of %22North Country Blues%22 on her Dylan tribute album Any Day Now.