| - %22November Spawned a Monster%22 is a song by Morrissey. It was released as a single in 1990. It was written by Morrissey and Clive Langer. It also features one of Morrissey's former colleagues from The Smiths, Andy Rourke. In reaching number 12 in the British chart it was a marked improvement over Morrissey's previous single, %22Ouija Board, Ouija Board%22, but still failed to chart as high as the singer's first four releases. The track is one of Morrissey's personal favourites, and has been played live many times by the singer. It along with its b-side %22He Knows I'd Love to See Him%22 appears on the compilation album Bona Drag.The song tackles the plight of the disabled, an unusual subject matter for a pop single. As ever with Morrissey the tone and sentiments are riddled with ambiguity. His use of words such as 'monster' and 'twisted' creates a strange mix of revulsion, sympathy and black comedy, all used to enlighten, and disturb, the audience. By forcing the ambivalent persona of tormentor and saviour, Morrissey forces the listener to confront their own prejudices head on.%22 The song is quoting Les Chants de Maldoror (Chant 2, verse 7), in which a hermaphrodite perceives himself as a monster and dreams of love.In November 2014 Alex Broun's play November Spawned a Monster, inspired by Morrissey's song, premiered at The Old Fitzroy, in Sydney, Australia, directed by Robert Chuter (director) and starring James Wright.