. . "1921"^^ . . "1921"^^ . . . . . . "1921\u5E74\u99AC\u91CC\u5C71\u706B\uFF0C\u662F\u767C\u751F\u57281921\u5E74\u590F\u5929\u82CF\u4FC4\u99AC\u91CC\u81EA\u6CBB\u5DDE\u7684\u5C71\u706B\u3002\u9019\u6B21\u706B\u707D\u9020\u62102660\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\u677E\u6A39\u6797\u88AB\u711A\u71EC\uFF0C\u518D\u52A0\u4E0A\u5168\u570B\u6027\u65F1\u707D\u9020\u6210\u7684\u9951\u8352\u5C0D\u8A72\u5730\u7684\u5DE5\u696D\u9020\u6210\u56B4\u91CD\u5F71\u97FF\u3002\u9019\u6B21\u5C71\u706B\u56E0\u5F37\u98A8\u800C\u52A0\u5287\uFF0C\u9020\u621035\u4EBA\u548C1000\u982D\u725B\u6B7B\u4EA1\uFF0C60\u689D\u6751\u843D\u6467\u6BC0\u3002"@zh . "Incendios forestales de Mari"@es . "Los incendios forestales de Mari ocurrieron el verano de 1921 en el \u00F3blast aut\u00F3nomo Mari en la RSFS de Rusia (actual rep\u00FAblica de Mari-El, en Rusia). Se quemaron unos 2.660 km\u00B2, sobre todo de bosques de pinos. Los incendios causaron la muerte de 35 personas y de 1000 cabezas de ganado; y 60 aldeas fueron destruidas. El efecto del fuego fue incrementado por los fuertes vientos. Este desastre natural da\u00F1\u00F3 fuertemente la econom\u00EDa de la zona, ya paralizada por la hambruna de 1921."@es . "14602243"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Wildfires in the Mari Autonomous Oblast, in the east of European Russia, occurred in the summer of 1921. Damage included 2,660 square kilometres of pine forest burned off, with serious repercussions for industry in the area, already paralyzed by the Povolzhye famine. The wildfires led to 35 human and 1,000 cattle deaths, and 60 villages were destroyed. The effects of the fire were made worse by strong winds."@en . "1921\u5E74\u99AC\u91CC\u5C71\u706B\uFF0C\u662F\u767C\u751F\u57281921\u5E74\u590F\u5929\u82CF\u4FC4\u99AC\u91CC\u81EA\u6CBB\u5DDE\u7684\u5C71\u706B\u3002\u9019\u6B21\u706B\u707D\u9020\u62102660\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\u677E\u6A39\u6797\u88AB\u711A\u71EC\uFF0C\u518D\u52A0\u4E0A\u5168\u570B\u6027\u65F1\u707D\u9020\u6210\u7684\u9951\u8352\u5C0D\u8A72\u5730\u7684\u5DE5\u696D\u9020\u6210\u56B4\u91CD\u5F71\u97FF\u3002\u9019\u6B21\u5C71\u706B\u56E0\u5F37\u98A8\u800C\u52A0\u5287\uFF0C\u9020\u621035\u4EBA\u548C1000\u982D\u725B\u6B7B\u4EA1\uFF0C60\u689D\u6751\u843D\u6467\u6BC0\u3002"@zh . . . . "1921\u5E74\u99AC\u91CC\u5C71\u706B"@zh . . . . . . . . "1216"^^ . "Wildfires in the Mari Autonomous Oblast, in the east of European Russia, occurred in the summer of 1921. Damage included 2,660 square kilometres of pine forest burned off, with serious repercussions for industry in the area, already paralyzed by the Povolzhye famine. The wildfires led to 35 human and 1,000 cattle deaths, and 60 villages were destroyed. The effects of the fire were made worse by strong winds."@en . . . . . . "35"^^ . "1116748696"^^ . . . . . "Los incendios forestales de Mari ocurrieron el verano de 1921 en el \u00F3blast aut\u00F3nomo Mari en la RSFS de Rusia (actual rep\u00FAblica de Mari-El, en Rusia). Se quemaron unos 2.660 km\u00B2, sobre todo de bosques de pinos. Los incendios causaron la muerte de 35 personas y de 1000 cabezas de ganado; y 60 aldeas fueron destruidas. El efecto del fuego fue incrementado por los fuertes vientos. Este desastre natural da\u00F1\u00F3 fuertemente la econom\u00EDa de la zona, ya paralizada por la hambruna de 1921."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mixed, residential and forest"@en . . "1921 Mari wildfires"@en . .