. . . . . . . . . . "Barbie (videogioco 1991)"@it . . "Super Gamer"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Mike Sullivan"@en . . . . . "Barbie"@en . . . . . "1118537808"^^ . . . . . "Barbie is a multi-platform video game developed by Imagineering for Hi Tech Expressions. It is based on Mattel Inc.'s doll of the same name and was created in an attempt to get more girls to play video games. As such, it is one of the few explicitly girl-oriented NES games. The game takes place in a dream where Barbie must travel through three different worlds (Mall, Underwater and Soda Shop) to gather accessories before attending a ball to meet Ken. Despite it having been of little interest to typical gamers at the time of its release, critics including staff writers for Velikij Drakon and Allgame have praised it as \"not bad\" for a generic platformer. Others including Justine Cassell and Nathanael Ng of the Georgia Institute of Technology have advanced the view that its genre is not appropriate for its content."@en . . "Barbie is a multi-platform video game developed by Imagineering for Hi Tech Expressions. It is based on Mattel Inc.'s doll of the same name and was created in an attempt to get more girls to play video games. As such, it is one of the few explicitly girl-oriented NES games. The game takes place in a dream where Barbie must travel through three different worlds (Mall, Underwater and Soda Shop) to gather accessories before attending a ball to meet Ken. Despite it having been of little interest to typical gamers at the time of its release, critics including staff writers for Velikij Drakon and Allgame have praised it as \"not bad\" for a generic platformer. Others including Justine Cassell and Nathanael Ng of the Georgia Institute of Technology have advanced the view that its genre is not appro"@en . . . . . "Barbie (jeu vid\u00E9o, 1991)"@fr . . . . . . "34.0"^^ . . "Barbie est un jeu vid\u00E9o de plates-formes d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 par Imagineering Inc., \u00E9dit\u00E9 par Hi Tech Expressions, et sorti sur NES et DOS en 1991."@fr . . . . . "Barry Marx"@en . . "/barbie"@en . . "15209"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u82AD\u6BD4\u5A03\u5A03 (1991\u5E74\u6E38\u620F)"@zh . . . . . . "Game Freaks 365"@en . . . . "Jesse Kapili"@en . . . "Barbie est un jeu vid\u00E9o de plates-formes d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 par Imagineering Inc., \u00E9dit\u00E9 par Hi Tech Expressions, et sorti sur NES et DOS en 1991."@fr . "Barbie (1991 video game)"@en . . "1564411"^^ . . . "Barbie \u00E8 un videogioco a piattaforme per bambine del 1991 per NES e MS-DOS ispirato alla celebre linea di bambole Barbie."@it . . . "35.0"^^ . . . . . . "19.0"^^ . . . "Barbie"@en . . . . "Barbie \u00E8 un videogioco a piattaforme per bambine del 1991 per NES e MS-DOS ispirato alla celebre linea di bambole Barbie."@it . . . . "Video Games"@en . "Frank Lam"@en . . . . "15.0"^^ . . . . . . "6.9"^^ . "Barbie (jogo eletr\u00F4nico de 1991)"@pt . . . . . "NES box art"@en . . "Barbie"@en . . "\u300A\u82AD\u6BD4\u5A03\u5A03\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8BED\uFF1ABarbie\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u6B3E\u7531\u5236\u4F5C\u3001\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u8DE8\u5E73\u53F0\u7535\u5B50\u6E38\u620F\u3002\u6E38\u620F\u6839\u636E\u7F8E\u6CF0\u5152\u516C\u53F8\u7684\u540C\u540D\u73A9\u5177\u800C\u5236\u4F5C\u3002\u5236\u4F5C\u672C\u6E38\u620F\u7684\u76EE\u7684\u662F\u4E3A\u4E86\u5438\u5F15\u5973\u5B69\u6E38\u73A9\u7535\u5B50\u6E38\u620F\u3002\u56E0\u6B64\uFF0C\u672C\u6E38\u620F\u6210\u4E3A\u5C11\u6570\u663E\u800C\u6613\u89C1\u7684\u4EE5\u5973\u5B69\u4E3A\u76EE\u7684Nintendo Entertainment System\u6E38\u620F\u3002 \u6E38\u620F\u53D1\u751F\u5728\u4E00\u4E2A\u68A6\u5883\u4E16\u754C\u3002\u82AD\u6BD4\u9700\u8981\u7A7F\u8D8A\u4E09\u4E2A\u4E0D\u540C\u6E38\u620F\u4E16\u754C\uFF08\u5546\u573A\u3001\u6C34\u4E0B\u548C\u82CF\u6253\u5546\u5E97\uFF09\u3002\u5728\u53C2\u52A0\u4E0E\u80AF\u7684\u821E\u4F1A\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u82AD\u6BD4\u9700\u8981\u6536\u96C6\u5230\u3002\u5C3D\u7BA1\u5728\u6E38\u620F\u53D1\u884C\u4E4B\u65F6\uFF0C\u6E38\u620F\u6536\u5230\u8F83\u5C0F\u5173\u6CE8\uFF0C\u4F46\u662F\u8BC4\u8BBA\u8005\u8868\u626C\u5176\u5BF9\u4E8E\u5E73\u53F0\u7C7B\u6E38\u620F\u6765\u8BF4\u201C\u4E0D\u9519\u201D\u3002\u5176\u4ED6\u4EBA\u8FDB\u4E00\u6B65\u63D0\u5230\uFF0C\u6E38\u620F\u7684\u7C7B\u578B\u5E76\u4E0D\u9002\u5408\u5176\u5185\u5BB9\u3002"@zh . "Henry C. Will IV"@en . . . "Mark Van Hecke, Ken Kirschner, Billy Pidgeon, Danny Ray"@en . . "Alex DeMeo"@en . . . . "Mark Morris"@en . "N-Force"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chung S. Lau"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Barbie"@en . "Dan Feinstein"@en . . . . . . "Barbie \u00E9 um jogo de plataforma para Famicom, desenvolvido pela Absolute's Imagineering Inc. e publicado pela Hi Tech Expressions em 1991. O jogo \u00E9 baseado na boneca de mesmo nome da empresa norte-americana Mattel e foi criado atendendo a mais jogos voltados pro p\u00FAblico feminino. O jogo recebeu muitas cr\u00EDticas, enquanto algumas apoiando o jogo como uma \u00F3tima iniciativa, muitos consideram o jogo p\u00E9ssimo pela sua jogabilidade confusa e dif\u00EDcil. No ano seguinte uma nova vers\u00E3o do jogo foi lan\u00E7ada para Game Boy intitulada Barbie: Game Girl com algumas altera\u00E7\u00F5es nas fases, mec\u00E2nica e enredo."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . "Barbie \u00E9 um jogo de plataforma para Famicom, desenvolvido pela Absolute's Imagineering Inc. e publicado pela Hi Tech Expressions em 1991. O jogo \u00E9 baseado na boneca de mesmo nome da empresa norte-americana Mattel e foi criado atendendo a mais jogos voltados pro p\u00FAblico feminino. Na hist\u00F3ria do jogo o jogador controla a Barbie durante um de seus estranhos sonhos onde ela ter\u00E1 um encontro com Ken em um baile da Dream House. O jogador atravessa 3 diferentes mundos (um Shopping, um reino subaqu\u00E1tico e uma lanchonete) desviando dos inimigos (que em sua maioria s\u00E3o objetos animados) e contando com a ajuda de criaturas para ajudar o jogador a resolver as miss\u00F5es. Cada criatura pode ser manipulada atrav\u00E9s de bolas que a Barbie atira, tr\u00EAs delas desempenhando uma fun\u00E7\u00E3o. No final de cada mundo \u00E9 mostrada uma cutscene onde Barbie adquire uma nova roupa para se arrumar pro encontro com Ken. O jogo recebeu muitas cr\u00EDticas, enquanto algumas apoiando o jogo como uma \u00F3tima iniciativa, muitos consideram o jogo p\u00E9ssimo pela sua jogabilidade confusa e dif\u00EDcil. No ano seguinte uma nova vers\u00E3o do jogo foi lan\u00E7ada para Game Boy intitulada Barbie: Game Girl com algumas altera\u00E7\u00F5es nas fases, mec\u00E2nica e enredo."@pt . "\u300A\u82AD\u6BD4\u5A03\u5A03\u300B\uFF08\u82F1\u8BED\uFF1ABarbie\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u6B3E\u7531\u5236\u4F5C\u3001\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u8DE8\u5E73\u53F0\u7535\u5B50\u6E38\u620F\u3002\u6E38\u620F\u6839\u636E\u7F8E\u6CF0\u5152\u516C\u53F8\u7684\u540C\u540D\u73A9\u5177\u800C\u5236\u4F5C\u3002\u5236\u4F5C\u672C\u6E38\u620F\u7684\u76EE\u7684\u662F\u4E3A\u4E86\u5438\u5F15\u5973\u5B69\u6E38\u73A9\u7535\u5B50\u6E38\u620F\u3002\u56E0\u6B64\uFF0C\u672C\u6E38\u620F\u6210\u4E3A\u5C11\u6570\u663E\u800C\u6613\u89C1\u7684\u4EE5\u5973\u5B69\u4E3A\u76EE\u7684Nintendo Entertainment System\u6E38\u620F\u3002 \u6E38\u620F\u53D1\u751F\u5728\u4E00\u4E2A\u68A6\u5883\u4E16\u754C\u3002\u82AD\u6BD4\u9700\u8981\u7A7F\u8D8A\u4E09\u4E2A\u4E0D\u540C\u6E38\u620F\u4E16\u754C\uFF08\u5546\u573A\u3001\u6C34\u4E0B\u548C\u82CF\u6253\u5546\u5E97\uFF09\u3002\u5728\u53C2\u52A0\u4E0E\u80AF\u7684\u821E\u4F1A\u4E4B\u524D\uFF0C\u82AD\u6BD4\u9700\u8981\u6536\u96C6\u5230\u3002\u5C3D\u7BA1\u5728\u6E38\u620F\u53D1\u884C\u4E4B\u65F6\uFF0C\u6E38\u620F\u6536\u5230\u8F83\u5C0F\u5173\u6CE8\uFF0C\u4F46\u662F\u8BC4\u8BBA\u8005\u8868\u626C\u5176\u5BF9\u4E8E\u5E73\u53F0\u7C7B\u6E38\u620F\u6765\u8BF4\u201C\u4E0D\u9519\u201D\u3002\u5176\u4ED6\u4EBA\u8FDB\u4E00\u6B65\u63D0\u5230\uFF0C\u6E38\u620F\u7684\u7C7B\u578B\u5E76\u4E0D\u9002\u5408\u5176\u5185\u5BB9\u3002"@zh . . . . . . "Jogene Kapell"@en . . . . . . . . . .