. . . "Apesar do significado descrito neste artigo, o termo dicromatismo \u00E9 algumas vezes usado como um sin\u00F4nimo de dicromacia (cegueira para cores). Dicromatismo (ou policromatismo) \u00E9 um fen\u00F4meno onde a tonalidade da cor em materiais ou solu\u00E7\u00F5es \u00E9 dependente tanto da concentra\u00E7\u00E3o da subst\u00E2ncia absorvente quanto da profundidade ou espessura do meio atravessado pela luz."@pt . . . . . "\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dichromatism (or polychromatism) is a phenomenon where a material or solution's hue is dependent on both the concentration of the absorbing substance and the depth or thickness of the medium traversed. In most substances which are not dichromatic, only the brightness and saturation of the colour depend on their concentration and layer thickness. Examples of dichromatic substances are pumpkin seed oil, bromophenol blue, and resazurin.When the layer of pumpkin seed oil is less than 0.7 mm thick, the oil appears bright green, and in layer thicker than this, it appears bright red."@en . . "\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0(\u82F1: dichromatism)\u3042\u308B\u3044\u306F\u30DD\u30EA\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0(\u82F1: polychromatism)\u3068\u306F\u7269\u4F53\u3084\u6EB6\u6DB2\u306E\u8272\u76F8\u304C\u8272\u7D20\u306E\u6FC3\u5EA6\u3084\u7269\u4F53\u30FB\u6EB6\u6DB2\u306E\u539A\u3055\uFF08\u5149\u8DEF\u9577\uFF09\u306B\u4F9D\u5B58\u3057\u3066\u5909\u5316\u3059\u308B\u73FE\u8C61\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0\u3092\u793A\u3055\u306A\u3044\u7269\u8CEA\u306E\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306F\u3001\u8272\u7D20\u6FC3\u5EA6\u3084\u7269\u4F53\u306E\u539A\u3055\u304C\u5909\u5316\u3057\u3066\u3082\u8272\u76F8\u306F\u5909\u5316\u305B\u305A\u660E\u5EA6\u3068\u5F69\u5EA6\u306E\u307F\u304C\u5909\u5316\u3059\u308B\u3002\u305F\u3060\u3057\u3053\u306E\u5834\u5408\u3082\u4EBA\u9593\u304C\u5FAE\u5999\u306A\u8272\u76F8\u306E\u5909\u5316\u3092\u611F\u77E5\u51FA\u6765\u306A\u3044\u3060\u3051\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5B9F\u5728\u3059\u308B\u8272\u7D20\u306E\u5834\u5408\u5FC5\u305A\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0\u306F\u8D77\u304D\u308B\u3068\u8A00\u3048\u308B\u3002"@ja . "1111471173"^^ . . . . . . "Dichromatism (or polychromatism) is a phenomenon where a material or solution's hue is dependent on both the concentration of the absorbing substance and the depth or thickness of the medium traversed. In most substances which are not dichromatic, only the brightness and saturation of the colour depend on their concentration and layer thickness. Examples of dichromatic substances are pumpkin seed oil, bromophenol blue, and resazurin.When the layer of pumpkin seed oil is less than 0.7 mm thick, the oil appears bright green, and in layer thicker than this, it appears bright red. The phenomenon is related to both the physical chemistry properties of the substance and the physiological response of the human visual system to colour. This combined physicochemical\u2013physiological basis was first explained in 2007. In gemstones, dichromatism is sometimes referred to as the 'Usambara effect'."@en . . . . . . . . "5910"^^ . "1001908"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dicromatismo"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "Dichromatism"@en . "Dikromatism"@sv . . "\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0(\u82F1: dichromatism)\u3042\u308B\u3044\u306F\u30DD\u30EA\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0(\u82F1: polychromatism)\u3068\u306F\u7269\u4F53\u3084\u6EB6\u6DB2\u306E\u8272\u76F8\u304C\u8272\u7D20\u306E\u6FC3\u5EA6\u3084\u7269\u4F53\u30FB\u6EB6\u6DB2\u306E\u539A\u3055\uFF08\u5149\u8DEF\u9577\uFF09\u306B\u4F9D\u5B58\u3057\u3066\u5909\u5316\u3059\u308B\u73FE\u8C61\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0\u3092\u793A\u3055\u306A\u3044\u7269\u8CEA\u306E\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306F\u3001\u8272\u7D20\u6FC3\u5EA6\u3084\u7269\u4F53\u306E\u539A\u3055\u304C\u5909\u5316\u3057\u3066\u3082\u8272\u76F8\u306F\u5909\u5316\u305B\u305A\u660E\u5EA6\u3068\u5F69\u5EA6\u306E\u307F\u304C\u5909\u5316\u3059\u308B\u3002\u305F\u3060\u3057\u3053\u306E\u5834\u5408\u3082\u4EBA\u9593\u304C\u5FAE\u5999\u306A\u8272\u76F8\u306E\u5909\u5316\u3092\u611F\u77E5\u51FA\u6765\u306A\u3044\u3060\u3051\u3067\u3042\u308A\u3001\u5B9F\u5728\u3059\u308B\u8272\u7D20\u306E\u5834\u5408\u5FC5\u305A\u30C0\u30A4\u30AF\u30ED\u30DE\u30C6\u30A3\u30BA\u30E0\u306F\u8D77\u304D\u308B\u3068\u8A00\u3048\u308B\u3002"@ja . . "Dikromatism (eller polykromatism) \u00E4r ett fenomen d\u00E4r ett materials eller en l\u00F6snings kul\u00F6rton \u00E4r beroende av s\u00E5v\u00E4l koncentrationen av f\u00E4rg\u00E4mnet som av siktdjupet. F\u00F6r de flesta \u00E4mnen som inte \u00E4r dikromatiska varierar bara ljusheten och f\u00E4rgm\u00E4ttnaden n\u00E4r koncentrationen och/eller siktdjupet \u00E4ndras. Olja fr\u00E5n pumpafr\u00F6n \u00E4r exempel p\u00E5 ett \u00E4mne som visar dikromatism. N\u00E4r oljeskiktet \u00E4r tunnare \u00E4n 0,7 mm ser oljan gr\u00F6n ut. \u00C4r skiktet tjockare ser oljan r\u00F6daktig ut. Andra exempel p\u00E5 \u00E4mnen med dikromatism \u00E4r , klorofyll a, klorofyll b och ."@sv . . "Apesar do significado descrito neste artigo, o termo dicromatismo \u00E9 algumas vezes usado como um sin\u00F4nimo de dicromacia (cegueira para cores). Dicromatismo (ou policromatismo) \u00E9 um fen\u00F4meno onde a tonalidade da cor em materiais ou solu\u00E7\u00F5es \u00E9 dependente tanto da concentra\u00E7\u00E3o da subst\u00E2ncia absorvente quanto da profundidade ou espessura do meio atravessado pela luz. Na maioria das subst\u00E2ncias que n\u00E3o s\u00E3o dicrom\u00E1ticas, somente o brilho e a satura\u00E7\u00E3o da cor dependem de sua concentra\u00E7\u00E3o e espessura da camada. Exemplos de subst\u00E2ncias dicrom\u00E1ticas s\u00E3o , azul de bromofenol e resazurina. Quando a espessura de uma camada de \u00F3leo de semente de ab\u00F3bora \u00E9 menor que 0,7 mm, o \u00F3leo apresenta-se como verde brilhante, e em camada mais espessa que isto, ele apresenta-se vermelho brilhante. A base psicoqu\u00EDmica-fisiol\u00F3gica deste fen\u00F4meno foi recentemente explicada. Propriedades dicrom\u00E1ticas podem ser explicadas pela lei de Beer-Lambert e pelas caracter\u00EDsticas de excita\u00E7\u00E3o de tr\u00EAs tipos de cones fotorreceptores na retina humana. Dicromatismo \u00E9 observado em qualquer subst\u00E2ncia que tenha um espectro de absor\u00E7\u00E3o largo mas pouco profundo e um estreito mas pouco profundo. Esta faixa estreita pode igualmente ser limitada para o al\u00E9m da escala do vis\u00EDvel ao olho humano, e neste caso, n\u00E3o pode necessariamente ser estreita. A subst\u00E2ncia muda o matiz daquela definida pela posi\u00E7\u00E3o da faixa m\u00EDnima pouco profunda (na camada fina) ao matiz do local profundo (na camada espessa). O espectro de absor\u00E7\u00E3o do \u00F3leo de semente da ab\u00F3bora tem um m\u00EDnimo largo mas pouco profundo na regi\u00E3o verde e o m\u00EDnimo local profundo na regi\u00E3o vermelha do espectro. Na camada fina a absor\u00E7\u00E3o no verde n\u00E3o \u00E9 t\u00E3o baixa como \u00E9 no vermelho, mas a apar\u00EAncia total \u00E9 verde. Isto \u00E9 devido ao m\u00EDnimo ou \u00E0 depress\u00E3o local larga na parcela verde do espectro, onde os cones fotorreceptores s\u00E3o mais sens\u00EDveis ao verde. Por outro lado, a recep\u00E7\u00E3o da cor vermelha \u00E9 limitada pelo limite superior de sensibilidade dos cones fotorreceptores aos comprimentos de onda longos. De acordo com a lei de Beer-Lambert, a absorb\u00E2ncia \u00E9 relacionada linearmente \u00E0 concentra\u00E7\u00E3o de uma esp\u00E9cie absorvente e do comprimento do caminho \u00F3tico. Como a espessura da camada de \u00F3leo aumenta, a absorb\u00E2ncia (A) aumenta proporcionalmente em todos os comprimentos de onda. A transmit\u00E2ncia (T,propor\u00E7\u00E3o de luz transmitida), por outro lado, n\u00E3o decresce proporcionalmente (T=10\u2212A). A intensidade de luz transmitida com comprimentos de onda mais curtos que 630 nm \u00E9 fortemente reduzida. Devido a raz\u00E3o crescente entre luz transmitida vermelha e verde, o matiz aparente de cor passa de verde a vermelho."@pt . . "Dikromatism (eller polykromatism) \u00E4r ett fenomen d\u00E4r ett materials eller en l\u00F6snings kul\u00F6rton \u00E4r beroende av s\u00E5v\u00E4l koncentrationen av f\u00E4rg\u00E4mnet som av siktdjupet. F\u00F6r de flesta \u00E4mnen som inte \u00E4r dikromatiska varierar bara ljusheten och f\u00E4rgm\u00E4ttnaden n\u00E4r koncentrationen och/eller siktdjupet \u00E4ndras. Olja fr\u00E5n pumpafr\u00F6n \u00E4r exempel p\u00E5 ett \u00E4mne som visar dikromatism. N\u00E4r oljeskiktet \u00E4r tunnare \u00E4n 0,7 mm ser oljan gr\u00F6n ut. \u00C4r skiktet tjockare ser oljan r\u00F6daktig ut. Andra exempel p\u00E5 \u00E4mnen med dikromatism \u00E4r , klorofyll a, klorofyll b och ."@sv . . . .