. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Energy independence is independence or autarky regarding energy resources, energy supply and/or energy generation by the energy industry. Energy dependence, in general, refers to mankind's general dependence on either primary or secondary energy for energy consumption (fuel, transport, automation, etc.). In a narrower sense, it may describe the dependence of one country on energy resources from another country. \u2014\u2009Eurostat Planning and co-ordination in the strive for energy independence are the business of energy policy and energy management."@en . . . "Indipendenza energetica"@it . . . "10669204"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1100154018"^^ . . . . "Energy independence is independence or autarky regarding energy resources, energy supply and/or energy generation by the energy industry. Energy dependence, in general, refers to mankind's general dependence on either primary or secondary energy for energy consumption (fuel, transport, automation, etc.). In a narrower sense, it may describe the dependence of one country on energy resources from another country. Energy dependency shows the extent to which an economy relies upon imports in order to meet its energy needs. The indicator is calculated as net imports divided by the sum of plus bunkers. \u2014\u2009Eurostat Energy dependence has been identified as one of several factors (energy sources diversification, energy suppliers diversification, energy sources fungibility, energy transport, market liquidity, energy resources, political stability, energy intensity, GDP) negatively contributing to energy security.Generally, a higher level of energy dependence is associated with higher risk, because of the possible interference of trade regulations, international armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, etc. A crucial contribution on the road to energy independence is energy efficiency because efficient use of energy can build on individual efforts in power saving instead of having to rely on costly large-scale infrastructure. Energy independence is being attempted by large or resource-rich and economically-strong countries like the United States, Russia, China and the Near and Middle East, but it is so far an idealized status that at present can be only approximated by non-sustainable exploitation of a country's (non-renewable) natural resources. Another factor in reducing dependence is the addition of renewable energy sources to the energy mix. Usually, a country relies on local and global energy renewable and non-renewable resources, a mixed-model solution that presumes various energy sources and modes of energy transfer between countries like electric power transmission, oil transport (oil and gas pipelines and tankers), etc. The European dependence on Russian energy is a good example because Russia is Europe's main supplier of hard coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Oil wars in and between the Middle East, Russia, and the United States that have made markets unpredictable and volatile are also a great example as to why energy advocates and experts suggest countries invest in energy independence. The international dependence of energy resources exposes countries to vulnerability in every aspect of life \u2014 countries rely on energy for food, infrastructure, security, transportation, and more. Planning and co-ordination in the strive for energy independence are the business of energy policy and energy management."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "14490"^^ . . . . . "L\u2019ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique est la capacit\u00E9 d\u2019un pays \u00E0 satisfaire de mani\u00E8re \u00AB autonome \u00BB ses besoins \u00E9nerg\u00E9tiques. En France, le taux d'ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique est le r\u00E9sultat du rapport entre la production nationale d'\u00E9nergies primaires (charbon, p\u00E9trole, gaz naturel, nucl\u00E9aire, hydraulique, \u00E9nergies renouvelables) et la consommation en \u00E9nergie primaire, une ann\u00E9e donn\u00E9e, selon l'Insee. L\u2019\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 nucl\u00E9aire est consid\u00E9r\u00E9e comme \u00AB primaire \u00BB par convention, contrairement \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 produite dans des centrales thermiques."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L\u2019ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique est la capacit\u00E9 d\u2019un pays \u00E0 satisfaire de mani\u00E8re \u00AB autonome \u00BB ses besoins \u00E9nerg\u00E9tiques. En France, le taux d'ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique est le r\u00E9sultat du rapport entre la production nationale d'\u00E9nergies primaires (charbon, p\u00E9trole, gaz naturel, nucl\u00E9aire, hydraulique, \u00E9nergies renouvelables) et la consommation en \u00E9nergie primaire, une ann\u00E9e donn\u00E9e, selon l'Insee. L\u2019\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 nucl\u00E9aire est consid\u00E9r\u00E9e comme \u00AB primaire \u00BB par convention, contrairement \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 produite dans des centrales thermiques. Le postulat de classer l'\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 nucl\u00E9aire comme \u00E9nergie primaire en lieu et place de l'uranium permet de r\u00E9f\u00E9rencer l'\u00E9lectricit\u00E9 produite par le nucl\u00E9aire dans la cat\u00E9gorie \u00AB ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique \u00BB car, bien que tout le combustible soit import\u00E9, l'\u00E9tat des stocks correspond \u00E0 des dizaines d'ann\u00E9es de consommation fran\u00E7aise. Source d'importations importantes, de risques r\u00E9gionaux ou plan\u00E9taires et d'\u00E9mission de gaz \u00E0 effet de serre, l'\u00E9nergie est un enjeu politique, strat\u00E9gique et \u00E9conomique important pour les gouvernements. La France est nettement importatrice de combustibles fossiles, comme le gaz naturel, le p\u00E9trole et le charbon, et de mati\u00E8re fissile (le minerai d'uranium)."@fr . . . . . "Ind\u00E9pendance \u00E9nerg\u00E9tique"@fr . . . "L'indipendenza energetica \u00E8 il grado di indipendenza di uno stato rispetto alle risorse energetiche che consuma."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Energy independence"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "2016-03-04"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'indipendenza energetica \u00E8 il grado di indipendenza di uno stato rispetto alle risorse energetiche che consuma."@it . .