"Das Europ\u00E4ische Zentrum f\u00FCr Minderheitenfragen (European Centre for Minority Issues, ECMI) in Flensburg ist ein Forschungs- und Informationszentrum \u00FCber Minderheiten. Das Zentrum ist eine rechtsf\u00E4hige Stiftung des b\u00FCrgerlichen Rechts, Stifter sind das Land Schleswig-Holstein, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und das K\u00F6nigreich D\u00E4nemark."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4343"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Centre Europeu per a les Q\u00FCestions de les Minories"@ca . . . . . . . . "The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) is a research institute based in Flensburg, Germany, that conducts research into minority-majority relations in Europe. ECMI is a non-partisan and interdisciplinary institution. It is a non-profit, independent foundation, registered according to German Civil Law. His successor Professor Marc Weller led the Centre from 1999 until 2009. Today, he holds the Chair of International Law and International Constitutional Studies at the University of Cambridge. Professor Tove Malloy managed the institution from 2009 until 2019."@en . . . . . . . "El Centre Europeu per a les Q\u00FCestions de les Minories (ECMI) \u00E9s un institut de recerca amb seu a Flensburg, Alemanya, que dirigeix la investigaci\u00F3 sobre las relaciones entre les majories i les minories a Europa. ECMI \u00E9s una instituci\u00F3 no partidista i interdisciplin\u00E0ria, una organitzaci\u00F3 sense fins de lucre i una fundaci\u00F3 independent, registrada de conformitat amb la Llei Civil alemanya. ECMI va ser establert el 1996 pels governs de Dinamarca, Alemanya i Schleswig-Holstein. El Centre es regeix per un consell integrat per nou membres: tres de Dinamarca, tres d'Alemanya, un representant de l'Organitzaci\u00F3 per a la Seguretat i la Cooperaci\u00F3 a Europa, un del Consell d'Europa i un de la Uni\u00F3 Europea. El primer director de l'institut va ser Stefan Troebst, ara professor d'Estudis Culturals d'Europa de l'Est a la Universitat de Leipzig. L'actual director \u00E9s Tove H. Malloy. El Centre compta amb un personal de base i tamb\u00E9 organitza visites de becaris i visitants d'investigacions associades. Organitza les seves activitats al voltant de tres temes principals. Aix\u00F2 t\u00E9 alguna cosa a veure amb l'avaluaci\u00F3 i el desenvolupament de normes universals, regionals, bilaterals i nacionals que puguin ajudar a la consolidaci\u00F3 de la governabilitat democr\u00E0tica sobre la base de la diversitat \u00E8tnica i els drets humans. En aquest context, ECMI tamb\u00E9 est\u00E0 particularment interessat en la converg\u00E8ncia de normes entre els membres de la Uni\u00F3 Europea i els pa\u00EFsos candidats. Una segona \u00E0rea d'intervenci\u00F3 es refereix als procediments d'execuci\u00F3 i mecanismes d'aquestes diverses normes i l'estudi de la seva efectivitat. De vegades, ECMI ha estat invitat a considerar les normes d'execuci\u00F3 i les relacions entre majories i minories en estats particulars, en cooperaci\u00F3 amb el govern d'aquest Estat i els grups locals."@ca . . . . "1085579328"^^ . . . "The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) is a research institute based in Flensburg, Germany, that conducts research into minority-majority relations in Europe. ECMI is a non-partisan and interdisciplinary institution. It is a non-profit, independent foundation, registered according to German Civil Law. ECMI was established in 1996 by the governments of Denmark, Germany and Schleswig-Holstein. The Centre is governed by a board composed of nine members: three from Denmark, three from Germany, one representative from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, one from the Council of Europe and one from the European Union. The institute's first director was Stefan Troebst, now Professor of East European Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig. His successor Professor Marc Weller led the Centre from 1999 until 2009. Today, he holds the Chair of International Law and International Constitutional Studies at the University of Cambridge. Professor Tove Malloy managed the institution from 2009 until 2019. In 2019, the Executive Board of the European Centre for Minority Issues has named Professor Vello Pettai, as the new Director of the ECMI. Professor Pettai will take up his new position as ECMI Director on 1 March 2020.The Centre employs a core staff and also hosts visiting fellows and visiting research associates.The Centre organizes its activities around three principal themes. It is concerned with the evaluation and further development of universal, regional, bilateral and national standards that may assist in consolidating democratic governance on the basis of ethnic diversity and human rights. In this context, ECMI is also particularly interested in the emerging convergence of standards between EU members and applicant states. A second area of involvement relates to implementation procedures and mechanisms for these diverse standards and the study of their effectiveness. At times, ECMI has been invited to consider standards implementation and majority-minority relations in particular states in cooperation with the government of that state and local groups."@en . . . . . . . "3910148"^^ . . "Das Europ\u00E4ische Zentrum f\u00FCr Minderheitenfragen (European Centre for Minority Issues, ECMI) in Flensburg ist ein Forschungs- und Informationszentrum \u00FCber Minderheiten. Das Zentrum ist eine rechtsf\u00E4hige Stiftung des b\u00FCrgerlichen Rechts, Stifter sind das Land Schleswig-Holstein, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und das K\u00F6nigreich D\u00E4nemark."@de . . . . . "European Centre for Minority Issues"@en . "El Centre Europeu per a les Q\u00FCestions de les Minories (ECMI) \u00E9s un institut de recerca amb seu a Flensburg, Alemanya, que dirigeix la investigaci\u00F3 sobre las relaciones entre les majories i les minories a Europa. ECMI \u00E9s una instituci\u00F3 no partidista i interdisciplin\u00E0ria, una organitzaci\u00F3 sense fins de lucre i una fundaci\u00F3 independent, registrada de conformitat amb la Llei Civil alemanya."@ca . . . . "Europ\u00E4isches Zentrum f\u00FCr Minderheitenfragen"@de . . .