. . "Robert Blair (Irvine, 1593 \u2013 , 1666) \u00E8 stato un teologo scozzese."@it . "right"@en . . . . "Robert Blair (teologo)"@it . "400"^^ . . . . . . . . "1666-08-27"^^ . . . . . . . "6307200.0"^^ . . . . . . "6473822"^^ . . "Scottish"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair's signature.png"@en . . "Robert Blair (1593 \u2013 27 August 1666) was a Scottish presbyterian minister who became a Westminster Divine and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1646, after failing to emigrate to Boston in 1636. Born in Irvine in 1593, the sixth son of John Blair of Windyedge, a merchant-adventurer and cadet of Blair, and Beatrix Mure of the Rowallan family, he gained an MA at the University of Glasgow in 1612 and became regent there in 1615. When the episcopalian John Cameron was appointed Principal, Blair resigned and went to Ireland, to become minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Bangor, County Down. He was ordained for it by Robert Echlin, Bishop of Down and Connor, Blair was \"very careful to inform... of what accusations had been laid against me of disaffection to th"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "23363"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair"@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blairs Grave, St Fillans, Aberdour .jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair (Irvine, 1593 \u2013 , 1666) \u00E8 stato un teologo scozzese."@it . . . . . . . . . . . "1666-08-27"^^ . . . "Couston Castle where Robert Blair died."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair (moderator)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Aberdour"@en . . . . "Presbyterian"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair"@en . . . "Robert Blair's Gravestone"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1593"^^ . . . . . "Robert Blair\u200E\u200E (1593 - 27 de agosto de 1666) foi um \u200E\u200Eministro\u200E\u200E \u200E\u200Epresbiteriano\u200E\u200E \u200E\u200Eescoc\u00EAs\u200E\u200E que se tornou um Divino e \u200E\u200EModerador\u200E\u200E de \u200E\u200EWestminster\u200E\u200E da Assembleia Geral da Igreja \u200E\u200Eda Esc\u00F3cia\u200E\u200E em 1646 depois de uma tentativa fracassada de emigrar para \u200E\u200EBoston\u200E\u200E em 1636. Nascido em \u200E\u200EIrvine\u200E\u200E em 1593 como o sexto filho de John Blair de Windyedge, um comerciante-aventureiro e cadete de Blair, e Beatrix Mure da fam\u00EDlia Rowallan, ele se formou com um mestrado na \u200E\u200EUniversidade de Glasgow\u200E\u200E em 1612 e nomeado regente l\u00E1 em 1615. Quando o episcopal \u200E\u200EJohn Cameron\u200E\u200E foi nomeado \u200E\u200EDiretor, \u200E\u200EBlair renunciou e foi para a Irlanda, onde se tornou ministro de uma congrega\u00E7\u00E3o presbiteriana em \u200E\u200EBangor, County Down.\u200E\u200E Ele foi ordenado a ele por \u200E\u200ERobert Echlin\u200E\u200E, \u200E\u200EBispo de Down e Connor\u200E\u200E,\u200E Blair foi \"muito cuidadoso para informar... de que acusa\u00E7\u00F5es foram feitas contra mim de descontentamento com os poderes civis, a quem ele era o uso da liturgia inglesa nem do governo episcopal.... Declarei minha opini\u00E3o ao Bispo em nossa primeira reuni\u00E3o... [que] me disse: 'Eu ou\u00E7o bem de voc\u00EA, e n\u00E3o vai impor condi\u00E7\u00F5es a voc\u00EA.' Echlin, no entanto, virou-se contra ele. Em setembro de 1631, Blair foi suspenso de seu minist\u00E9rio e em 4 de maio de 1632 foi deposto. Embora empenhado em emigrar para a Nova Inglaterra, o navio no qual ele e outros ministros navegaram foi levado de volta pelo tempo, um sinal, Blair pensou, que seus servi\u00E7os ainda eram necess\u00E1rios em casa. Ele se esquivou de uma ordem\u200E\u200E para sua pris\u00E3o ao fugir para a Esc\u00F3cia e foi admitido na Segunda Acusa\u00E7\u00E3o de \u200E\u200EAyr\u200E\u200E em julho de 1638. Depois de per\u00EDodos na Esc\u00F3cia e Irlanda, ele acompanhou o ex\u00E9rcito escoc\u00EAs \u00E0 Inglaterra em 1640 e ajudou na negocia\u00E7\u00E3o da Paz de Ripon de 1641. \u200E\u200EEm 1646, Blair foi eleito \u200E\u200EModerador da Assembleia Geral\u200E\u200E, ent\u00E3o Capel\u00E3o-em-comum para o rei Carlos I. Ele tamb\u00E9m foi um dos membros do Comit\u00EA a se esfor\u00E7ar em 1648 para que \u200E\u200ECromwell\u200E\u200E estabelecesse \"uma uniformidade da religi\u00E3o na Inglaterra\". Ele foi convocado para Londres por Cromwell em 1654, mas se desculpou por problemas de sa\u00FAde. No estabelecimento de Episcopacy, ele foi removido de suas acusa\u00E7\u00F5es em setembro de 1661, confinado a \u200E\u200EMusselburgh\u200E\u200E, depois a \u200E\u200EKirkcaldy\u200E\u200E por tr\u00EAs anos e meio, e depois a Meikle Couston, \u200E\u200EAberdour\u200E\u200E, Fife, onde ele faleceu em 27 de agosto de 1666 e onde foi enterrado."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair"@en . "Blair's gravestone Aberdour.png"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Robert Blair (1593 \u2013 27 August 1666) was a Scottish presbyterian minister who became a Westminster Divine and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1646, after failing to emigrate to Boston in 1636. Born in Irvine in 1593, the sixth son of John Blair of Windyedge, a merchant-adventurer and cadet of Blair, and Beatrix Mure of the Rowallan family, he gained an MA at the University of Glasgow in 1612 and became regent there in 1615. When the episcopalian John Cameron was appointed Principal, Blair resigned and went to Ireland, to become minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Bangor, County Down. He was ordained for it by Robert Echlin, Bishop of Down and Connor, Blair was \"very careful to inform... of what accusations had been laid against me of disaffection to the civil powers, whom he was the use of the English liturgy nor Episcopal government.... I declared my opinion fully to the Bishop at our first meeting... [who] said to me, 'I hear good of you, and will impose no conditions on you.'\" Echlin, however, turned against him. In September 1631, he was suspended from his ministry and on 4 May 1632 deposed. Though bent on emigrating to New England, the ship in which he and other ministers sailed was driven back by weather, a sign, Blair thought, that his services were still required at home. He dodged an order for his arrest by escaping to Scotland and was admitted to the Second Charge of Ayr in July 1638. After periods in Scotland and Ireland, he accompanied the Scottish army to England in 1640 and helped to negotiate the 1641 Peace of Ripon. In 1646, Blair was elected Moderator of General Assembly, then Chaplain-in-Ordinary to King Charles I. He was also on a committee endeavouring in 1648 to get Cromwell to establish \"a uniformity of religion in England.\" He was summoned to London by Cromwell in 1654, but excused himself on grounds of ill-health. On the establishment of episcopacy he was removed from his charges in September 1661, confined to Musselburgh, then to Kirkcaldy for three and a half years, and then to Meikle Couston, Aberdour, Fife, where he died on 27 August 1666 and was buried."@en . . . "1080765771"^^ . . . "Robert Blair\u200E\u200E (1593 - 27 de agosto de 1666) foi um \u200E\u200Eministro\u200E\u200E \u200E\u200Epresbiteriano\u200E\u200E \u200E\u200Eescoc\u00EAs\u200E\u200E que se tornou um Divino e \u200E\u200EModerador\u200E\u200E de \u200E\u200EWestminster\u200E\u200E da Assembleia Geral da Igreja \u200E\u200Eda Esc\u00F3cia\u200E\u200E em 1646 depois de uma tentativa fracassada de emigrar para \u200E\u200EBoston\u200E\u200E em 1636. Nascido em \u200E\u200EIrvine\u200E\u200E em 1593 como o sexto filho de John Blair de Windyedge, um comerciante-aventureiro e cadete de Blair, e Beatrix Mure da fam\u00EDlia Rowallan, ele se formou com um mestrado na \u200E\u200EUniversidade de Glasgow\u200E\u200E em 1612 e nomeado regente l\u00E1 em 1615. Quando o episcopal \u200E\u200EJohn Cameron\u200E\u200E foi nomeado \u200E\u200EDiretor, \u200E\u200EBlair renunciou e foi para a Irlanda, onde se tornou ministro de uma congrega\u00E7\u00E3o presbiteriana em \u200E\u200EBangor, County Down.\u200E\u200E Ele foi ordenado a ele por \u200E\u200ERobert Echlin\u200E\u200E, \u200E\u200EBispo de Down e Connor\u200E\u200E,\u200E Blair"@pt . "vertical"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . .