"OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect on healthcare professional emergency response time and safety of small compared to large clog size. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: The intensive care unit of a single university medical centre in The Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: Intensive care medicine professionals. INTERVENTIONS: Participants were randomized to wear European size 38 clogs (US male size 6\u00BD, US female size 7\u00BD) or European size 47 clogs (US male size 13\u00BD, US female size 14\u00BD) clogs and were required to run a 125 m course from the coffee break room to the elevator providing access to the emergency department. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the time to complete the running course. Height, shoe size, self-described fitness, age and staff category were investigated as possible effect modifiers. Secondary endpoints were reported clog comfort and suspected unexpected clog-related adverse events (SUCRAEs). RESULTS: 50 participants were randomized (25 to European size 38 clogs and 25 to size 47 clogs). Mean age was 37 years (SD 12) and 29 participants (58%) were female. The primary outcome was 4.4 s (95% CI \u22127.1; \u22121.6) faster in the size 5 clogs group compared to the size 12 clogs group. This effect was not modified by any of the predefined participant characteristics. No differences were found in reported clog comfort or SUCRAEs. CONCLUSIONS: European size 38 clogs lead to faster emergency response times than size 47 clogs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04406220" . . .