_:b401239284 "msetentas pop" . _:b401239242 "femalesinger" . _:b432847511 . _:b432847501 . _:b401239285 "helen" . "Capitol Records" . _:b401239261 "4"^^ . _:b401239260 "pop" . _:b401239252 "australia" . "Delta Dawn" . _:b432847504 . _:b401239266 "folk" . _:b432847505 . _:b401239256 "13"^^ . _:b432847506 . _:b432847510 . _:b432847521 "0"^^ . . _:b401239280 "good" . "0.813808"^^ . _:b432847499 . _:b432847520 "0"^^ . _:b401239267 "usa hot 100 number one hit" . _:b401239254 "usa adult contemporary number one hit" . _:b401239257 "63"^^ . _:b401239255 "4"^^ . _:b432847523 "0"^^ . _:b401239263 "web-found" . _:b401239277 "songs of day and night" . _:b432847508 . _:b432847522 "0"^^ . . _:b401239272 "catchy" . _:b401239273 "flowercore" . "Capitol Records singles" . _:b401239253 "4"^^ . _:b401239280 . _:b432847502 . _:b401239281 . _:b401239282 . _:b432847509 . _:b401239255 "favorites" . _:b401239283 . _:b401239258 "mellow 70s" . _:b401239252 "4"^^ . _:b401239284 . _:b401239261 "name that tune" . "Columbia Records singles" . _:b401239285 . _:b401239286 . _:b401239287 . _:b401239251 "4"^^ . _:b401239288 . _:b432847516 . _:b401239254 "22"^^ . _:b401239274 "helen reddy" . _:b401239250 "4"^^ . _:b401239258 "36"^^ . _:b401239249 "9"^^ . "0"^^ . _:b401239260 "50"^^ . _:b432847518 . _:b401239248 "0"^^ . _:b401239264 "female vocalist" . _:b401239264 . _:b401239265 . _:b401239279 "pop life" . _:b401239266 . _:b401239267 . _:b401239268 . _:b401239269 . _:b401239270 . _:b432847514 . . _:b401239271 . _:b401239241 "aussies down under" . _:b401239272 . _:b432847513 . _:b401239273 . _:b401239274 . . _:b401239275 . . . _:b401239276 . _:b401239277 . _:b401239278 . _:b401239288 "story song" . _:b401239279 . _:b401239248 . "Tom Catalano" . _:b401239249 . _:b401239250 . _:b401239251 . . _:b401239252 . _:b401239253 . _:b401239254 . _:b401239255 . "Gramophone record" . _:b401239256 . _:b401239257 . _:b401239258 . . _:b401239259 . "Columbia Records" . _:b401239260 . _:b401239261 . _:b432847499 . _:b401239262 . . _:b401239263 . _:b401239275 "australian" . "1972 songs" . _:b432847502 . _:b432847503 . _:b432847500 . "1972" . "false"^^ . _:b432847501 . . _:b432847511 "0.0130331805"^^ . _:b432847506 . _:b432847507 . . _:b401239279 "0"^^ . _:b401239278 "4"^^ . _:b401239270 "70's" . _:b432847504 . . _:b432847505 . _:b401239240 . _:b432847510 . . _:b401239241 . _:b401239274 "27"^^ . _:b401239256 "am gold" . _:b432847511 . . _:b401239242 . _:b401239277 "4"^^ . _:b432847508 . _:b401239243 . _:b432847509 . _:b401239244 . _:b432847514 . . "5714ded325ac0d8aee441fe5" . _:b401239245 . _:b432847515 . "Helen Reddy songs" . _:b432847512 . _:b401239246 . _:b401239247 . _:b432847513 . . . _:b432847518 . "Billy Sherrill" . _:b432847519 . "%22Delta Dawn%22 is a song written by former child rockabilly star Larry Collins and songwriter Alex Harvey, best known as a 1972 top ten country hit for Tanya Tucker and a number-one hit for Helen Reddy in 1973.The co-writer more often goes by the name Alexander Harvey today, not to be confused with Glaswegian rocker Alex Harvey." . _:b401239275 "4"^^ . _:b432847516 . "Debut singles" . _:b401239272 "9"^^ . _:b432847517 . _:b432847522 . _:b432847523 . _:b432847520 . _:b432847521 . _:b401239286 "fun stuff" . _:b401239273 "4"^^ . _:b432847505 "0"^^ . . _:b401239287 "sexy" . . _:b432847504 "0"^^ . _:b401239240 "soft rock" . _:b401239267 "22"^^ . _:b432847507 "0"^^ . . . _:b432847523 . _:b401239270 "4"^^ . _:b432847506 "0"^^ . _:b401239271 "0"^^ . _:b401239248 "123 drippy sappy" . _:b401239250 "sab music" . _:b401239268 "0"^^ . _:b432847509 "0"^^ . _:b401239269 "4"^^ . "256099"^^ . "Tanya Tucker songs" . _:b432847520 . _:b432847508 "0"^^ . . . _:b401239262 "just another folk singer" . _:b401239278 "billboard number ones" . _:b401239264 "9"^^ . "13558" . "157.0"^^ . _:b401239266 "4"^^ . _:b432847510 "0"^^ . _:b401239259 "female vocalists" . _:b401239244 "the word delta" . _:b432847513 "0"^^ . _:b401239265 "4"^^ . "english" . _:b432847512 "0"^^ . _:b401239271 "billboard top 10" . . _:b401239283 "cover" . _:b432847515 "0"^^ . "1973 singles" . "b887b75f-da30-483f-94de-85a23142055f" . _:b432847514 "0"^^ . "1972 singles" . _:b401239265 "1970s" . _:b401239281 "country" . _:b432847517 "0"^^ . "-0.241358"^^ . _:b432847516 "0"^^ . "-15.9"^^ . _:b401239243 "easy listening classics" . _:b432847519 "0"^^ . "Delta Dawn" . _:b399269939 "sexy" . _:b432847518 "0"^^ . "PT191.19020408S"^^ . _:b401239251 "san isabel song" . _:b401239269 "1970's" . _:b401239288 "4"^^ . _:b401239245 "tylko dziewczyny" . . _:b399269939 "0"^^ . "Billboard Adult Contemporary number-one singles" . _:b401239287 "0"^^ . _:b401239285 "9"^^ . _:b401239268 "mystie chamberlin" . "TRXEYQT128F14570DC" . _:b401239286 "9"^^ . . _:b401239249 "delta dawn" . _:b401239257 "oldies" . _:b401239276 "100"^^ . _:b401239284 "4"^^ . _:b401239282 "0"^^ . _:b401239283 "0"^^ . "Scott Walker (singer) songs" . "The Collins Kids" . "Alex Harvey (musician)" . _:b401239280 "4"^^ . _:b401239281 "0"^^ . "Song recordings produced by Billy Sherrill" . _:b432847522 . _:b401239247 "4"^^ . _:b432847499 "0"^^ . _:b401239244 "9"^^ . "1972-05-13"^^ . _:b401239276 "70s" . _:b401239245 "4"^^ . _:b432847501 "0"^^ . _:b401239246 "9"^^ . _:b432847521 . _:b432847500 "0"^^ . _:b401239246 "the word dawn" . _:b432847517 . _:b401239243 "4"^^ . _:b432847503 "0"^^ . _:b401239240 "9"^^ . "USCA28700187" . . _:b432847502 "0"^^ . "Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles" . "3127731" . "1987-05-21"^^ . _:b401239242 "9"^^ . "191000.0"^^ . _:b401239241 "0"^^ . _:b432847515 . _:b401239253 "billboard number ones 1970s" . _:b399269939 . _:b432847519 . "4"^^ . _:b432847512 . "[%22delta dawn what's that flower you have on%22,%22and did i hear you say he was a-meeting you here today%22,%22to take you to his mansion in the sky%22,%22she's forty-one and her daddy still calls her /%22baby/%22%22]" . _:b401239247 "austrailian" . "-0.131355"^^ . _:b432847503 . _:b432847500 . _:b401239282 "pop classics" . _:b432847507 . "true"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b401239262 "0"^^ . _:b401239263 "4"^^ . . _:b401239259 "18"^^ .