_:b403849060 "rockabilly" . _:b403849109 "loved" . "2007-09-24"^^ . _:b403849061 "famisa" . _:b403849140 "favorites" . _:b403849093 "track: johnny burnette - youre sixteen" . . _:b403849124 "bra musik" . _:b403849106 "wantit" . "1973 singles" . "2806fb0e-3e60-48e4-a088-1e450b2e8d33" . _:b403849115 "top 40" . _:b403849096 . _:b403849097 . _:b403849063 "roxy" . _:b403849098 . _:b403849094 "love songs" . _:b403849099 . _:b403849139 "old" . _:b403849100 . _:b403849101 . _:b403849102 . "Liberty Records" . _:b403849103 . _:b403849134 "0"^^ . _:b403849088 . _:b403849058 "close harmony" . _:b403849089 . _:b403849119 "classic rock" . _:b403849090 . _:b403849091 . _:b403849092 . _:b403849135 "1"^^ . _:b436716401 "0"^^ . _:b403849093 . _:b403849094 . _:b403849095 . _:b403849112 . _:b403849132 "1"^^ . _:b436716400 "0"^^ . _:b403849113 . _:b403849114 . _:b403849115 . _:b403849116 . _:b403849133 "1"^^ . _:b436716403 "0"^^ . _:b403849117 . _:b403849118 . _:b403849119 . _:b403849130 "0"^^ . _:b403849104 . _:b403849105 . _:b436716402 "0"^^ . _:b403849129 "10"^^ . _:b403849106 . _:b403849107 . _:b403849089 "rock sunowo" . _:b403849108 . _:b403849131 "0"^^ . _:b403849109 . _:b436716405 "0"^^ . _:b403849110 . _:b403849111 . _:b403849128 . _:b403849128 "1"^^ . _:b436716404 "0"^^ . _:b403849129 . _:b403849081 "male vocalists" . _:b403849130 . _:b403849131 . . _:b403849132 . _:b403849133 . _:b436716407 "0"^^ . _:b403849134 . _:b403849107 "de todo mio favoritos" . _:b403849135 . "Song recordings produced by Richard Perry" . _:b403849120 . _:b403849126 "1"^^ . _:b436716406 "0"^^ . _:b403849121 . _:b403849122 . _:b403849142 "elvis y cia cwcafe" . _:b403849123 . _:b403849124 . _:b403849127 "1"^^ . _:b436716409 "0"^^ . _:b403849125 . _:b403849126 . _:b403849127 . _:b403849144 . _:b403849124 "1"^^ . _:b436716408 "0"^^ . "-14.1"^^ . _:b403849125 "1"^^ . _:b436716411 "0"^^ . _:b403849120 "but goodies" . _:b403849136 . _:b403849137 . _:b436716410 "0"^^ . "Liberty Records singles" . _:b403849122 "1"^^ . _:b403849138 . _:b403849139 . _:b403849140 . _:b403849141 . _:b436716413 "0"^^ . _:b403849123 "1"^^ . _:b403849142 . _:b403849130 "burning love" . _:b403849143 . "1.08037"^^ . _:b403849120 "1"^^ . _:b436716412 "0"^^ . _:b403849121 "3"^^ . _:b403849085 "16" . "Songs written by the Sherman Brothers" . _:b436716414 "0"^^ . "%22You're Sixteen%22 is a song written by the Sherman Brothers (Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman). It was first performed by American rockabilly singer Johnny Burnette, whose version peaked at number eight on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in December 1960 and number 3 in the U.K. in 1961. The original 1960 version of %22You're Sixteen%22 by Johnny Burnette is featured prominently on the 1973 motion picture soundtrack of the film American Graffiti." . _:b403849126 "chill906" . "false"^^ . "Song recordings produced by Snuff Garrett" . _:b403849083 "love love love" . _:b403849069 "600" . _:b436716389 "0"^^ . _:b403849064 . _:b403849065 . _:b403849144 "1"^^ . _:b403849066 . _:b403849067 . _:b403849068 . _:b403849069 . _:b436716391 "0"^^ . _:b403849070 . _:b403849071 . "true"^^ . "5714ded525ac0d8aee465fa3" . _:b436716390 "0"^^ . _:b403849057 . _:b403849129 "pop" . _:b403849058 . _:b403849059 . _:b403849060 . _:b399178663 "happiness" . _:b403849061 . _:b436716393 "0"^^ . _:b403849143 "1"^^ . _:b403849142 "5"^^ . _:b403849062 . "true"^^ . _:b403849101 "pre historie 60s" . _:b403849063 . _:b403849080 . _:b403849140 "0"^^ . _:b403849123 "rocker cw" . _:b403849137 "21"^^ . _:b436716392 "0"^^ . _:b403849081 . _:b403849082 . _:b403849083 . _:b403849084 . _:b403849085 . _:b403849141 "1"^^ . _:b403849086 . _:b403849087 . _:b403849138 "0"^^ . _:b403849072 . _:b436716410 . _:b436716394 "0"^^ . _:b403849073 . _:b436716411 . _:b403849074 . _:b436716408 . _:b403849075 . _:b436716409 . _:b403849076 . _:b403849139 "1"^^ . _:b436716397 "0"^^ . _:b403849077 . _:b436716414 . _:b403849078 . _:b403849136 "3"^^ . _:b403849079 . _:b436716412 . _:b436716413 . _:b436716402 . _:b436716396 "0"^^ . _:b436716403 . _:b436716400 . _:b436716401 . _:b436716408 . _:b403849095 "me" . _:b403849080 "american" . _:b436716406 . _:b436716399 "0"^^ . _:b436716407 . _:b436716404 . _:b403849102 "0"^^ . _:b436716405 . _:b436716394 . _:b436716398 "0"^^ . _:b436716390 . _:b403849071 "boogie" . _:b436716395 . _:b403849103 "3"^^ . _:b436716413 . _:b436716392 . _:b436716393 . "1960 songs" . _:b436716398 . _:b403849097 "malt shop" . _:b436716399 . _:b436716396 . _:b436716397 . _:b436716391 . _:b403849100 "1"^^ . _:b436716389 . _:b403849101 "0"^^ . _:b436716390 . _:b436716391 . _:b403849098 "0"^^ . _:b436716396 . _:b436716389 . _:b403849125 "myrolas" . _:b436716409 . _:b403849099 "1"^^ . _:b403849096 "0"^^ . _:b436716403 . _:b436716395 . _:b403849097 "1"^^ . _:b436716401 . _:b403849113 "ik ben" . _:b403849094 "1"^^ . _:b403849092 "12"^^ . _:b403849095 "1"^^ . _:b436716393 . _:b403849082 "60s" . _:b436716404 . _:b436716407 . _:b403849093 "3"^^ . _:b436716405 . _:b403849114 "easy listening" . "September 1973" . "London Records singles" . _:b436716394 . _:b403849090 "1"^^ . _:b436716397 . . _:b436716392 . _:b403849131 "-fenol" . . _:b403849091 "1"^^ . _:b403849070 "1"^^ . _:b403849088 "1"^^ . _:b403849071 "1"^^ . _:b403849127 "ok" . _:b403849089 "1"^^ . _:b436716399 . _:b403849068 "0"^^ . _:b403849108 "youre sixteen" . _:b403849118 "0"^^ . _:b403849090 "ahhh" . _:b403849069 "0"^^ . _:b403849060 "36"^^ . _:b403849116 "absurd" . _:b436716406 . _:b403849119 "1"^^ . _:b436716402 . _:b403849066 "1"^^ . _:b403849082 "65"^^ . _:b403849116 "1"^^ . _:b403849067 "0"^^ . _:b403849122 "i feel good" . _:b436716400 . _:b403849117 "1"^^ . _:b403849064 "1"^^ . _:b403849114 "1"^^ . _:b403849065 "1"^^ . _:b403849102 "go-go" . _:b403849115 "0"^^ . _:b403849087 "100"^^ . _:b403849062 "1"^^ . _:b436716398 . _:b403849112 "0"^^ . _:b403849110 "1960" . _:b403849104 "32"^^ . _:b403849063 "1"^^ . _:b436716410 . _:b403849113 "1"^^ . "You're Sixteen" . _:b403849110 "3"^^ . "You're Sixteen" . _:b403849061 "0"^^ . _:b403849111 "1"^^ . _:b403849058 "1"^^ . _:b403849108 "0"^^ . . _:b436716411 . "1960 singles" . _:b403849073 "supercla" . _:b403849059 "1"^^ . _:b436716414 . _:b436716412 . _:b403849109 "1"^^ . _:b403849106 "1"^^ . _:b403849057 "1"^^ . _:b403849107 "0"^^ . _:b403849104 "rock n roll" . _:b403849086 "1"^^ . _:b403849076 "fluffy sweet" . _:b399178662 . "Richard Perry" . _:b399178663 . _:b403849105 "1"^^ . _:b403849084 "0"^^ . "USCA28500400" . _:b403849085 "1"^^ . _:b403849092 "rock" . _:b403849081 "9"^^ . _:b403849083 "1"^^ . _:b436716395 "0.0147582535"^^ . _:b403849077 "number of the day" . _:b403849080 "1"^^ . _:b403849064 "rich oldies" . "Johnny Burnette songs" . _:b403849078 "0"^^ . "english" . _:b399178662 "happy" . _:b403849067 "balida" . "Ringo Starr songs" . _:b403849066 "johnny burnette-youre sixteen" . _:b403849078 "male vocalist" . _:b403849079 "12"^^ . _:b403849076 "1"^^ . _:b403849132 "gee whiz" . "Robert B. Sherman" . _:b403849144 "sunowo" . "3164206" . _:b403849077 "1"^^ . _:b403849074 "1"^^ . _:b403849075 "1"^^ . _:b403849072 "3"^^ . _:b403849098 "pre historie" . "Snuff Garrett" . "TRCNLXE12903CC096A" . _:b403849073 "0"^^ . _:b403849088 "classics" . "Songs from films" . _:b403849100 "remakes" . "Apple Records" . _:b403849128 "sexton" . _:b403849134 "johnny burnette" . "Apple Records singles" . "London Records" . _:b403849057 "souvenirs" . _:b403849105 "charades go trippin selection" . _:b403849103 "sixteen" . "117000.0"^^ . "293481"^^ . "Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles" . _:b403849117 "sun" . _:b403849074 "rock classics" . _:b403849087 "oldies" . _:b403849072 "frog and frigate" . . "156.0"^^ . _:b403849068 "maxi lista" . "0"^^ . _:b403849135 "happy" . "Gramophone record" . _:b403849143 "sweet sixteen" . . _:b403849059 "happiness" . "0"^^ . "Richard M. Sherman" . _:b403849137 "rock and roll" . _:b403849070 "pachunumbers" . _:b403849118 "pernumeros" . _:b403849121 "love" . "1974 singles" . _:b403849133 "memories" . "1974-02-08"^^ . _:b403849138 "my music" . _:b403849062 "pirate radio" . _:b403849099 "old stuff" . _:b403849086 "favourite" . "81154" . _:b399178662 "1"^^ . _:b399178663 "1"^^ . . . _:b403849141 "georges" . _:b403849096 "teenage" . _:b403849065 "gh10" . . _:b403849075 "golden oldies" . _:b403849079 "50s" . _:b403849084 "country" . _:b403849136 "roy cw" . _:b403849111 "lugnt06-" . _:b403849091 "rrcfn" . _:b403849112 "upbeat" . "0.825024"^^ . "1973-12-03"^^ .