_:b400823168 "50"^^ . _:b436251112 "0"^^ . _:b436251115 "0"^^ . "5714ded725ac0d8aee47a813" . _:b436251114 "0"^^ . _:b436251117 "0"^^ . "0000-00-00"^^ . _:b436251110 . _:b436251106 . _:b436251116 "0"^^ . "%22Away in a Manger%22 is a Christmas carol first published in the late nineteenth century and used widely throughout the English-speaking world. In Britain, it is one of the most popular carols; a 1996 Gallup Poll ranked it joint second. The two most-common musical settings are by William J. Kirkpatrick (1895) and James R. Murray (1887)." . _:b436251119 "0"^^ . _:b436251105 . _:b436251111 . _:b436251118 "0"^^ . . _:b436251104 . "10"^^ . _:b400823169 "25"^^ . "Mormon Tabernacle Choir songs" . "1885 songs" . _:b400823170 "25"^^ . . . . _:b436251121 "0"^^ . _:b400823171 "25"^^ . . _:b436251120 "0"^^ . _:b400823176 . _:b400823172 "25"^^ . _:b436251123 "0"^^ . _:b400823173 "25"^^ . _:b436251109 . _:b436251122 "0"^^ . _:b400823168 . _:b400823169 . _:b400823170 . _:b400823171 . _:b400823172 . _:b400823175 "25"^^ . "0"^^ . _:b400823173 . . _:b400823174 . _:b400823175 . _:b400823168 "christmas country" . _:b436251103 . _:b400823176 "just another folk singer" . _:b436251108 . "144000.0"^^ . _:b400823174 "100"^^ . . . _:b400823172 "mystie chamberlin" . . _:b436251107 . "false"^^ . _:b400823173 "for jon solomon" . "true"^^ . "Christmas carols" . _:b436251116 . . _:b400823169 "classic country" . "4072880" . _:b436251122 . _:b436251123 . _:b436251120 . _:b400823171 "throwaway grrls" . _:b436251121 . _:b436251118 . _:b436251114 . . _:b436251115 . _:b436251112 . "GBELT1222686" . _:b436251113 . _:b436251118 . _:b436251119 . _:b436251112 . _:b436251116 . _:b400823170 "teh typos" . . _:b436251120 . _:b436251117 . "PT144.06530612S"^^ . _:b436251106 . _:b436251107 . _:b436251104 . . _:b436251105 . _:b436251110 . "TRNDQEC128F424643A" . _:b436251111 . _:b436251108 . _:b436251109 . "Away In A Manger" . _:b436251105 "0"^^ . "Away In A Manger" . "-0.539002"^^ . _:b436251103 "0"^^ . . "0.911173"^^ . _:b436251103 . _:b436251117 . _:b436251104 "0"^^ . "-0.537238"^^ . "9ea3b9df-cc54-4392-b72d-50888bb8acea" . _:b436251122 . "2"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b436251107 "0"^^ . _:b436251113 . _:b436251106 "0"^^ . _:b436251109 "0"^^ . _:b436251119 . "english" . _:b436251114 . _:b400823175 "the merch grrls" . _:b436251108 "0"^^ . "61786599" . _:b436251115 . . _:b436251111 "0"^^ . . _:b400823174 "christmas" . _:b436251110 "0"^^ . _:b436251123 . _:b436251121 . _:b400823176 "25"^^ . _:b436251113 "0"^^ .