_:b407993696 "0"^^ . _:b399687272 "gothic metal" . _:b407993698 . . _:b407993696 . "Songs written by Merle Haggard" . _:b399687255 "swamp rock" . _:b407993697 . _:b407993698 "0"^^ . _:b399687273 "100"^^ . _:b399687258 "traditional country" . "1966 singles" . _:b399687244 "8"^^ . _:b399687242 "16"^^ . "-0.0289007"^^ . . _:b399687246 "8"^^ . _:b399687241 "technical death metal" . _:b399687271 "thrash metal" . _:b399687247 "8"^^ . _:b399687245 "0"^^ . _:b399687240 "8"^^ . _:b399687257 "my kentucky roots" . _:b399687243 "0"^^ . . _:b399687243 "death metal" . "%22Swinging Doors%22 is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Merle Haggard. It was released in February 1966 as the first single and title track from the album Swinging Doors. The song peaked at number five on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles." . "-12.0"^^ . _:b399687241 "0"^^ . . _:b399687266 "bakersfield" . "2006-02-21"^^ . _:b407993696 . "8510" . _:b407993698 . _:b399687259 "1966" . "true"^^ . _:b399687250 "merle haggard" . "6d6f8dd8-7b59-4cb1-be90-a96c0c347179" . . _:b407993691 . "false"^^ . _:b399687242 "southern rock" . "3119974" . "[%22but i gave up my home to see you satisfied%22,%22and i've got swinging doors a jukebox and a barstool%22,%22'cause i'm always here at home till closing time%22,%22i'm always here at home till closing time%22]" . _:b399687275 "merle haggard - swinging doors" . _:b399687244 "cosmic american music" . _:b399687261 "8"^^ . "0"^^ . _:b399687252 "for the love of country" . _:b407993681 "0"^^ . _:b399687262 "8"^^ . _:b407993680 "0"^^ . _:b399687263 "8"^^ . . _:b407993690 . _:b407993683 "0"^^ . _:b399687256 "8"^^ . _:b399687268 "drinking" . _:b407993682 "0"^^ . _:b399687257 "8"^^ . . _:b399687251 "33"^^ . _:b399687270 "country-rock" . _:b407993676 . _:b407993685 "0"^^ . _:b407993685 . . _:b399687258 "8"^^ . _:b399687256 "gittis" . _:b399687253 "50"^^ . _:b407993684 "0"^^ . _:b399687259 "8"^^ . _:b407993677 . "0.0396313"^^ . _:b407993687 "0"^^ . _:b399687253 "classic country" . _:b407993683 . _:b399687252 "8"^^ . _:b399687254 "0"^^ . _:b399687264 "60s" . "Swinging Doors" . "1966-02-28"^^ . _:b407993686 "0"^^ . _:b407993689 "0"^^ . _:b399687248 "16"^^ . "Capitol Records singles" . _:b407993688 "0"^^ . _:b399687255 "8"^^ . _:b399687248 "honkytonk kvlt" . _:b407993682 . . _:b407993691 "0"^^ . _:b399687240 "albums i want to hear" . _:b399687250 "0"^^ . _:b407993690 "0"^^ . _:b399687260 "50"^^ . _:b407993693 "0"^^ . "Del Reeves songs" . _:b407993672 . _:b407993692 "0"^^ . _:b399687249 "0"^^ . _:b407993680 . "Gramophone record" . . _:b407993695 "0"^^ . _:b407993678 . _:b407993684 . _:b407993681 . _:b399687261 "best songs ever" . _:b407993694 "0"^^ . "Merle Haggard songs" . "5714dedb25ac0d8aee4acebf" . _:b407993687 . _:b407993675 . "english" . _:b407993686 . _:b399687277 "classic rock" . _:b407993679 . _:b407993674 . _:b407993673 . "Swinging Doors" . _:b407993693 . "120.0"^^ . _:b407993692 . _:b399687277 "8"^^ . _:b407993688 . _:b407993695 . _:b399687276 . "false"^^ . _:b399687276 "0"^^ . _:b399687277 . _:b399687247 "alcohol" . _:b399687274 "americana" . _:b399687262 "whisky" . _:b399687272 . _:b399687273 . _:b407993673 "0"^^ . "Capitol Records" . _:b399687274 . _:b399687275 . _:b399687245 "real metal" . _:b399687268 . _:b399687269 . _:b407993689 . _:b407993672 "0"^^ . _:b399687270 . _:b399687271 . _:b399687264 . _:b399687265 . _:b407993675 "0"^^ . _:b399687266 . _:b407993694 . _:b399687267 . _:b399687272 "0"^^ . _:b407993674 "0"^^ . _:b399687274 "8"^^ . . _:b399687267 "heavy metal" . _:b399687275 "8"^^ . _:b407993677 "0"^^ . _:b399687268 "8"^^ . _:b407993676 "0"^^ . _:b399687269 "8"^^ . _:b407993679 "0"^^ . _:b399687271 "0"^^ . _:b399687246 "honkytonk tunes" . _:b399687244 . _:b399687245 . _:b407993678 "0"^^ . _:b399687270 "8"^^ . "219666"^^ . _:b399687246 . _:b399687247 . _:b399687240 . _:b399687241 . _:b399687242 . "USCN10500349" . _:b399687243 . _:b399687264 "8"^^ . "Song recordings produced by Ken Nelson (United States record producer)" . _:b399687265 "8"^^ . _:b399687267 "0"^^ . _:b399687265 "jo" . _:b399687260 . _:b399687261 . _:b399687266 "8"^^ . _:b399687262 . _:b407993694 . _:b399687263 . _:b407993697 . _:b407993695 . _:b399687256 . _:b407993692 . _:b399687257 . _:b407993693 . _:b399687258 . _:b407993690 . _:b399687259 . _:b407993691 . _:b399687252 . _:b407993688 . _:b399687253 . _:b407993689 . _:b399687254 . _:b399687263 "beer" . _:b407993686 . _:b399687255 . _:b407993687 . _:b399687248 . . _:b407993684 . _:b399687249 . _:b407993685 . _:b399687251 "merle" . _:b399687250 . _:b407993682 . _:b399687251 . _:b407993683 . _:b407993680 . _:b407993681 . _:b407993678 . "Merle Haggard" . _:b399687249 "grindcore" . "Mickey Gilley songs" . _:b407993679 . _:b407993676 . _:b407993677 . _:b407993674 . _:b407993675 . _:b407993672 . _:b407993673 . _:b399687260 "honky tonk" . "TRFYEMP128F931F645" . _:b399687269 "country thang" . "173000.0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Ken Nelson (United States record producer)" . _:b399687254 "pestilence" . _:b399687273 "country" . _:b399687276 "movie: crash - 2004-i" . "1966 songs" . _:b407993697 "0"^^ .