"1967 singles" . "GBN9Y1100134" . "Psychedelic rock songs" . "Songs written by Syd Barrett" . . "564605"^^ . . "Songs about drugs" . . "--05-21" . . "false"^^ . "22"^^ . . "true"^^ . "Syd Barrett" . "-0.480099"^^ . "5714dee025ac0d8aee4e178d" . . "-0.540485"^^ . "7754100" . . "9ff2fd59-47e3-4862-965b-2031ae4e60cc" . "version from Works" . "TREVZLA128F425FB0E" . "2007-09-03"^^ . "1960s ballads" . . . "Gramophone record" . "Columbia Graphophone Company singles" . "eng" . "168000.0"^^ . "false"^^ . "Columbia Graphophone Company" . . "%22See Emily Play%22 is the second single by English progressive rock band Pink Floyd. Written by original frontman Syd Barrett and recorded on 23 May 1967, it featured %22The Scarecrow%22 as its B-side. Though it was initially released as a non-album single, the song appeared on the American edition of their debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967). %22See Emily Play%22 is included in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll list and reached No. 6 in the United Kingdom singles chart. As of 2015, the song has never been mixed to stereo, so the US album version was rechannelled and all subsequent reissues have been in mono." . "Tower Records (record label)" . "1967-05-21" . "1967 songs" . "1967-05-21" . "See Emily Play" . . . "124.0"^^ . "english" . "Rock ballads" . "Norman Smith (record producer)" . "Pink Floyd songs" . "See Emily Play" . "1967-06-16"^^ . "860" .