"Moog Konttinen" . "Number-one singles in Germany" . . "Songs written by Randy Bachman" . "0.183154"^^ . "-0.0110327"^^ . . "Number-one singles in New Zealand" . "1974 singles" . "Mercury Records" . "BachmanTurner Overdrive:You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" . "Randy Bachman" . "6b01a419-2fb4-427b-bf53-ce19fe2b44df" . "1974" . . . "9"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . . "false"^^ . . "false"^^ . "eng" . "Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles" . "false"^^ . "Randy Bachman" . "5714dee225ac0d8aee4f7e28" . "Poko Rekords" . "Bachman\u2013Turner Overdrive songs" . "english" . <7miRCLeFSJo> . "1974 songs" . "%22You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet%22 is a rock song written by Randy Bachman and performed by Bachman\u2013Turner Overdrive (BTO) on the album Not Fragile (1974). It was released as a single in 1974 with an instrumental track %22Free Wheelin'%22 as the B-side. It reached the #1 position on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart and the Canadian RPM chart the week of November 9, 1974 as well as reaching #2 on the UK Singles Chart." . "Bachman-Turner Overdrive:You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" . . "Mercury Records singles" .