_:b399922359 . _:b399922344 . _:b399922325 "predileta" . _:b399922345 . _:b399922346 . _:b399922347 . _:b399922309 "2"^^ . _:b399922348 . _:b399922349 . _:b399922350 . _:b399922351 . _:b399922307 "truesoul" . _:b399922336 . _:b399922337 . _:b399922338 . "TRIFZTB128F428AC56" . _:b399922306 "1"^^ . _:b399922339 . _:b399922309 "old school" . "311738"^^ . _:b399922340 . _:b399922341 . _:b399922342 . _:b399922346 "slow jams tag" . _:b399922343 . _:b399922308 "29"^^ . _:b399922307 "1"^^ . _:b399922328 . _:b399922302 "in the rain loving it" . _:b399922329 . _:b399922330 . _:b399922304 "1"^^ . _:b399922331 . _:b399922287 "1"^^ . _:b399922332 . _:b399922333 . _:b399922310 "28"^^ . _:b399922334 . "Don Davis (record producer)" . _:b399922335 . _:b399922305 "1"^^ . _:b399922361 "an hour with farbror traktor 002" . _:b399922320 . _:b399922321 . _:b417362962 "0"^^ . _:b399922367 "classic" . _:b399922322 . . _:b399922323 . _:b399922324 . _:b399922334 "7"^^ . _:b417362965 "0"^^ . _:b399922325 . _:b399922326 . _:b399922335 "1"^^ . . _:b399922327 . _:b399922300 "rhythm and blues" . _:b399922312 . _:b399922313 . _:b417362964 "0"^^ . _:b399922314 . _:b399922332 "1"^^ . _:b399922315 . _:b399922316 . _:b399922333 "3"^^ . _:b417362967 "0"^^ . _:b399922317 . _:b399922318 . _:b417362963 "0.0108946245"^^ . _:b399922319 . _:b399922304 . _:b399922316 "hip hop sample" . _:b399922305 . _:b417362966 "0"^^ . _:b399922306 . _:b399922307 . _:b399922308 . _:b399922309 . _:b417362969 "0"^^ . _:b399922310 . _:b399922331 "1"^^ . _:b399922311 . _:b399922330 "5"^^ . _:b399922368 "evid oldies" . _:b417362968 "0"^^ . _:b399922328 "1"^^ . _:b417362971 "0"^^ . _:b399922319 "oldies" . _:b399922329 "1"^^ . _:b417362970 "0"^^ . _:b399922326 "1"^^ . _:b399922339 "inmemoriam" . _:b399922327 "2"^^ . _:b417362973 "0"^^ . _:b417362972 "0"^^ . _:b399201763 "bittersweet" . _:b399922311 "love" . _:b417362975 "0"^^ . "6447" . _:b399922325 "1"^^ . _:b399922297 "100"^^ . _:b399922324 "5"^^ . _:b399922322 "3"^^ . _:b417362974 "0"^^ . _:b399922375 "rnb" . "5053e5e4-e64e-418e-b4bb-31fee92cb3b9" . _:b399922321 "10"^^ . _:b399922323 "1"^^ . _:b399922302 "1"^^ . _:b399922320 "1"^^ . _:b399922303 "1"^^ . _:b399922382 "rainbows in the dark" . "1971 songs" . _:b399922301 "1"^^ . _:b399922310 "70s" . _:b399922298 "1"^^ . _:b399922300 "31"^^ . _:b399922299 "1"^^ . _:b399922296 "1"^^ . _:b399922379 "silversurfers favorites" . _:b399922377 "2giveme5" . _:b399922294 "1"^^ . _:b399922295 "2"^^ . _:b399922292 "3"^^ . _:b399922293 "7"^^ . "Stax Records" . _:b399922324 "love songs" . _:b399922290 "1"^^ . _:b399922342 "kansascityshit" . _:b399922291 "3"^^ . _:b399922289 "9"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b399922292 "handayman 74" . _:b399922288 "5"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b399922359 "tommi best" . _:b399922366 "k-rainydayradio" . "USC4R1100183" . _:b399922320 "johnbbrown" . "In The Rain" . _:b399922352 "chadmccolgin plays the funk and rb" . _:b399922355 "sampled" . _:b399922383 "old school soul" . _:b399201764 "smooth" . _:b399922354 "chill" . "false"^^ . . _:b399922297 "soul" . . . . . "5714dee725ac0d8aee53d327" . . . . _:b399922351 "motown slow jams" . "2"^^ . . "Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs number-one singles" . _:b417362977 "0"^^ . _:b399922290 "kmem2500" . _:b417362976 "0"^^ . _:b399922313 "smooth" . _:b399922334 "motown" . _:b417362979 "0"^^ . . _:b417362978 "0"^^ . _:b399922382 "1"^^ . . _:b417362981 "0"^^ . . _:b399922385 "cry-baby" . . . _:b399922380 "2"^^ . . _:b417362980 "0"^^ . _:b399922381 "3"^^ . . _:b399922383 "8"^^ . . . "PT307.48841269S"^^ . "145.0"^^ . _:b399922357 "cover songs - da originals" . . _:b399201764 . _:b399201765 . _:b399922378 "1"^^ . _:b399201766 . . _:b399922379 "1"^^ . _:b399922370 "in the rain" . _:b399922376 "2"^^ . _:b399201763 . . "english" . _:b399922294 "slow" . _:b399922358 "lettersneversent" . _:b399922377 "1"^^ . _:b399922363 "the dramatics" . _:b399922372 "atmospheric" . _:b417362977 . _:b399922378 "angrysoul" . _:b399922375 "2"^^ . _:b399922376 "just a reminder of past" . _:b399922365 "the dramatics in the rain - be my girl lp" . _:b399922372 "2"^^ . _:b417362979 . _:b399922373 "1"^^ . _:b399922322 "deepsoul" . _:b417362976 . "Stax Records singles" . _:b399922371 "2"^^ . _:b417362980 . _:b399922327 "rainy day" . _:b399922368 "1"^^ . _:b399922374 "30"^^ . . _:b399922370 "13"^^ . _:b399922369 "1"^^ . _:b399922304 "itr" . . _:b399922323 "soul funk rap explosion" . _:b399922287 "soul funk explosion" . _:b399201765 "mellow" . "-0.120577"^^ . _:b399922369 "lcsilvas" . _:b399922318 "from u 2 me" . _:b399922336 "r---" . _:b399922350 "peteca soul" . _:b399922301 "the very best of the 70s" . . _:b399922314 "rythum and blues" . _:b399922312 "i want to hear uk g or oldskool hc version of this one" . _:b399922296 "djpman-loved-tracks" . _:b399922298 "songs to get emo to" . _:b399922386 "2"^^ . _:b399922288 "usa hot rnb hip hop songs number one hit" . _:b399922289 "funk" . _:b399922384 "2"^^ . _:b399922385 "1"^^ . _:b399922335 "w deszczu" . _:b417362981 . _:b417362978 . _:b399922330 "mellow" . _:b399922295 "slow jams" . "In The Rain" . _:b399922333 "soul ballad" . _:b399922306 "back in the soulful day" . _:b399922296 . _:b399922297 . _:b399922298 . "1972 singles" . _:b399922299 . _:b399922300 . _:b417362968 . _:b399922301 . _:b417362972 . _:b399922302 . _:b399922303 . "1095155" . _:b399922288 . _:b417362975 . _:b399922332 "crown" . _:b399922289 . _:b399922290 . _:b417362970 . _:b417362970 . _:b399922291 . _:b417362971 . _:b399922338 "tight old school" . _:b417362971 . _:b399922292 . _:b417362968 . _:b399922293 . _:b417362969 . _:b399922294 . _:b417362974 . _:b399922295 . _:b417362975 . _:b417362972 . _:b417362973 . _:b399922360 "lil in love" . _:b417362962 . "Gramophone record" . _:b417362963 . _:b417362966 . _:b399922287 . _:b399922343 "sad" . _:b399922353 "4u" . _:b417362967 . _:b399922356 "blues" . _:b417362964 . _:b417362965 . _:b417362967 . _:b417362978 . _:b417362979 . _:b417362976 . _:b417362977 . _:b417362980 . _:b417362981 . _:b399922364 "the dramatics - in the rain" . "-14.4"^^ . _:b399201766 "1"^^ . _:b399922350 "1"^^ . _:b399922348 "14"^^ . _:b399922328 "funky" . _:b399922351 "1"^^ . _:b417362964 . "0.714797"^^ . _:b399201765 "5"^^ . _:b399922349 "2"^^ . _:b399201764 "4"^^ . _:b399922374 "smooth soul" . . _:b399922308 "quiet storm" . _:b399922362 "great" . _:b399922346 "1"^^ . _:b399201763 "3"^^ . _:b399922347 "1"^^ . _:b399922344 "3"^^ . _:b417362965 . "4"^^ . _:b399922348 "rain" . _:b399922345 "1"^^ . _:b399922344 "bittersweet" . _:b399922342 "1"^^ . _:b399922340 "9"^^ . _:b417362962 . _:b399922343 "1"^^ . _:b399922341 "4"^^ . _:b399922321 "stax" . _:b399922371 "r&b" . _:b399922331 "puresoul" . "306000.0"^^ . _:b417362963 . _:b399922373 "hps1" . _:b399922338 "1"^^ . _:b399922339 "1"^^ . _:b417362974 . "The Dramatics songs" . _:b399922305 "old school love song" . _:b399922336 "1"^^ . _:b399922337 "3"^^ . _:b399922386 "ballad" . _:b399922366 "1"^^ . _:b399922367 "3"^^ . _:b417362966 . _:b399922364 "2"^^ . _:b399922340 "the dramatics in the rain" . _:b417362969 . _:b417362973 . _:b399922291 "masterful" . _:b399922365 "1"^^ . _:b399922362 "1"^^ . _:b399922381 "60s" . . _:b399922384 "soulful" . _:b399922360 "1"^^ . _:b399922349 "pop" . _:b399922361 "1"^^ . _:b399922363 "9"^^ . _:b399922358 "1"^^ . _:b399922317 "hide my feelings" . _:b399922359 "1"^^ . _:b399922293 "chillout" . "eng" . _:b399922356 "4"^^ . _:b399922357 "1"^^ . "1987-01-01"^^ . _:b399922354 "3"^^ . _:b399922326 "slow dance with me" . _:b399922355 "2"^^ . _:b399922299 "evid soul" . _:b399922337 "favorite artists" . _:b399922352 "1"^^ . _:b399922345 "tender rain songs" . _:b399922353 "1"^^ . _:b399922384 . _:b399922385 . _:b399922386 . _:b399922318 "1"^^ . "-0.146981"^^ . _:b399922376 . _:b399922341 "classic soul" . _:b399922329 "cool out" . _:b399922377 . _:b399922378 . _:b399922316 "1"^^ . _:b399922379 . _:b399922380 . _:b399922381 . _:b399922382 . _:b399922317 "1"^^ . _:b399922383 . _:b399922368 . _:b399922369 . _:b399201766 "sad" . _:b399922370 . _:b399922314 "1"^^ . _:b399922371 . _:b399922372 . _:b399922373 . _:b399922374 . _:b399922315 "1"^^ . _:b399922375 . _:b399922319 "17"^^ . _:b399922360 . _:b399922361 . _:b399922313 "4"^^ . _:b399922362 . _:b399922312 "1"^^ . _:b399922380 "psychedelic soul" . _:b399922363 . _:b399922364 . _:b399922365 . _:b399922366 . _:b399922315 "pfv" . _:b399922367 . _:b399922352 . _:b399922353 . _:b399922311 "4"^^ . _:b399922354 . _:b399922355 . _:b399922303 "kss1984 - loved" . _:b399922356 . _:b399922357 . "%22In the Rain%22 is a 1972 soul single by American vocal group The Dramatics. Released from their debut album Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get it reached number five on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart and spent four weeks at number one on the Best Selling Soul Singles chart. It sold over one million copies, and is the group's biggest hit. Billboard ranked it as the No. 53 song for 1972.The song was written by Tony Hester and was released in February 1972. The song is noted for the use of the sound of rain and thunder, first heard before the song's introduction, as well as throughout the instrumental and chorus sections of the song.Keith Sweat covered the song on his 1987 album Make It Last Forever.R&B group Xscape also covered the song in 1997 from the soundtrack, Love Jones starring Larenz Tate and Nia Long.Smooth Jazz artist Boney James covered the song featuring Dwele on the Shine album in 2006." . _:b399922347 "favouritestreamable" . _:b399922358 .