_:b403257788 "5"^^ . . _:b403257787 "5"^^ . _:b403257754 "psychedelic" . _:b403257786 "5"^^ . . . _:b403257741 "punk" . . _:b403257784 "5"^^ . . _:b403257780 "11"^^ . . . _:b403257783 "5"^^ . "english" . . _:b403257782 "5"^^ . _:b403257781 "5"^^ . . _:b403257721 "classic punk" . . _:b403257779 "5"^^ . _:b403257794 "stare" . _:b403257778 "5"^^ . _:b403257777 "5"^^ . _:b403257782 "great lyrics" . _:b403257785 "33"^^ . _:b403257776 "5"^^ . _:b403257759 "pre-punk" . _:b403257731 "morticiagurl faves" . _:b403257742 "5"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b403257742 "this is exactly how my blood circulates when im enjoying my fourth drink" . _:b403257740 "5"^^ . "true"^^ . _:b403257757 "vvvvvv" . _:b399162398 "5"^^ . _:b403257739 "5"^^ . _:b403257795 "songs about famous people" . _:b403257738 "5"^^ . _:b403257803 "new york" . _:b403257737 "5"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b403257736 "5"^^ . _:b403257804 "favorites" . _:b403257732 "11"^^ . . _:b403257715 "music for wackos" . _:b403257750 "nice" . _:b403257793 "classic" . _:b399162398 "funny" . _:b403257734 "5"^^ . _:b403257787 "fourmique" . _:b403257722 "70s" . _:b403257743 "44"^^ . _:b399162397 "16"^^ . _:b403257733 "5"^^ . _:b403257777 "artists" . _:b403257735 "11"^^ . _:b403257731 "5"^^ . _:b403257748 "played on the bat and the bird" . "Pablo Picasso" . _:b403257729 "11"^^ . _:b403257785 "pablo picasso" . _:b403257730 "5"^^ . _:b403257726 "beautiful" . _:b403257728 "5"^^ . "221244" . _:b403257759 "5"^^ . "-0.196695"^^ . _:b403257758 "5"^^ . _:b403257757 "5"^^ . _:b403257741 "66"^^ . _:b403257773 "pre-and-post punk" . _:b403257756 "5"^^ . . _:b403257755 "5"^^ . . _:b403257766 "top 100 v3" . _:b403257751 "cheeky" . _:b403257754 "5"^^ . _:b403257770 "potentially interesting" . _:b403257725 "alternative" . _:b403257791 "covers" . _:b403257753 "5"^^ . _:b403257752 "5"^^ . _:b403257751 "5"^^ . _:b403257749 "11"^^ . _:b403257750 "5"^^ . _:b403257779 "vvg" . _:b403257745 "16"^^ . _:b403257748 "5"^^ . _:b403257745 "pablo picasso was never called an asshole" . _:b403257747 "5"^^ . _:b403257723 "22"^^ . _:b403257746 "5"^^ . _:b403257734 "cultural reference song" . _:b403257726 "5"^^ . "99.0"^^ . _:b403257744 "5"^^ . _:b403257725 "5"^^ . _:b403257720 "22"^^ . _:b403257727 "11"^^ . "5714dee825ac0d8aee5480ff" . _:b403257724 "5"^^ . _:b403257806 "lo-fi" . _:b403257752 "fit" . _:b403257768 "fun" . _:b403257721 "5"^^ . _:b403257778 "dawardochnoch" . _:b403257811 "literate" . _:b403257719 "5"^^ . _:b403257746 "seminal proto-punk" . _:b403257718 "5"^^ . _:b403257717 "5"^^ . _:b403257713 . _:b403257800 "garage rock" . _:b403257775 "names of people" . _:b403257714 . _:b403257715 . _:b403257716 "5"^^ . _:b403257716 . _:b403257717 . _:b403257718 . _:b403257719 . _:b403257715 "5"^^ . _:b403257720 . _:b403257722 "38"^^ . _:b403257721 . _:b403257722 . _:b403257723 . _:b403257714 "5"^^ . _:b403257724 . _:b403257725 . _:b403257726 . _:b403257727 . _:b403257713 "5"^^ . _:b403257774 "1970s" . _:b403257732 "jonathan richman" . "0"^^ . _:b403257767 "genius" . "55105" . _:b403257740 "new wave" . "[%22well some people try to pick up girls%22,%22this never happened to pablo picasso%22,%22and girls could not resist his stare and%22,%22and girls could not resist his stare and so%22]" . "PT301.01004535S"^^ . _:b403257808 "alt-rock" . _:b403257788 "repo man" . _:b403257733 "pisco sour" . _:b403257771 "great piano line" . _:b403257769 "my pop music" . _:b403257749 "famous names" . _:b403257790 "driving route 66" . _:b403257724 "wouazo" . _:b403257792 . _:b403257793 . _:b403257763 "friendsofthekingofrummelpop" . _:b403257796 "exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" . _:b403257794 . _:b403257795 . _:b403257796 . _:b403257797 . _:b403257798 . _:b403257799 . _:b403257800 . _:b403257801 . _:b403257764 "ages like a fine wine" . _:b403257802 . _:b403257810 "singer-songwriter" . _:b403257713 "no thanks: the 70s punk rebellion" . _:b403257803 . _:b403257804 . _:b403257805 . _:b403257806 . _:b403257807 . _:b399162397 "fun" . _:b403257808 . _:b403257809 . _:b403257804 "11"^^ . _:b403257810 . _:b403257811 . _:b403257807 "5"^^ . _:b403257812 . _:b403257806 "5"^^ . _:b403257783 "best songs of the 70s" . _:b403257805 "5"^^ . _:b403257792 "ironic lyrics" . _:b403257800 "11"^^ . "0.462089"^^ . . _:b403257803 "5"^^ . _:b403257802 "5"^^ . _:b403257799 "over 5 minutes long" . _:b403257797 "proto-punk" . _:b403257801 "5"^^ . "0.687811"^^ . _:b403257799 "5"^^ . _:b403257798 "5"^^ . "301000.0"^^ . _:b403257776 "bizarroketekagas" . _:b403257798 "nix luv" . _:b403257796 "5"^^ . _:b403257735 "notlikeyou" . _:b403257728 . _:b403257729 . _:b403257792 "11"^^ . _:b403257730 . _:b403257731 . _:b403257732 . _:b403257733 . _:b403257739 "american" . _:b403257734 . _:b403257735 . _:b403257794 "5"^^ . _:b403257736 . _:b403257737 . _:b403257738 . "FR6V89800008" . _:b403257793 "5"^^ . _:b403257739 . _:b403257740 . _:b403257741 . _:b403257795 "11"^^ . _:b403257742 . _:b403257743 . _:b403257744 . _:b403257745 . _:b403257746 . _:b403257747 . _:b403257748 . _:b403257749 . _:b403257750 . _:b403257751 . _:b403257752 . _:b403257753 . _:b403257754 . _:b403257797 "100"^^ . _:b403257755 . _:b403257756 . _:b403257757 . _:b403257758 . _:b403257759 . _:b403257760 . _:b403257761 . _:b403257762 . "3"^^ . _:b403257747 "bass fetish" . _:b403257763 . _:b403257764 . _:b403257765 . _:b403257766 . _:b403257767 . _:b403257716 "ho ho" . _:b403257768 . _:b403257769 . _:b403257736 "loobieloos loved tracks" . _:b403257770 . _:b403257771 . _:b403257801 "psychobilly" . _:b403257714 "fuckin delicious" . _:b403257772 . _:b403257773 . _:b403257812 "name check" . _:b403257774 . _:b403257775 . _:b403257776 . _:b403257777 . _:b403257812 "11"^^ . _:b403257778 . _:b403257779 . _:b403257781 "thisweek" . _:b403257780 . _:b403257781 . "2010-02-06"^^ . _:b403257782 . _:b403257783 . _:b403257784 . _:b403257785 . . _:b403257786 . _:b403257787 . _:b403257788 . _:b403257760 "pure grit and fuzz" . _:b403257789 . _:b403257790 . _:b403257791 . _:b403257811 "5"^^ . "-12.4"^^ . _:b403257810 "5"^^ . _:b403257728 "yeah!" . _:b403257809 "5"^^ . "TRJZAGT12903CEBBA8" . _:b403257719 "american punk" . _:b403257808 "5"^^ . _:b403257744 "etr postpunk" . _:b403257762 "lizvelrene postpunk" . _:b403257784 "fine art shoutout" . _:b403257789 "quirky" . _:b403257717 "hanging out music" . _:b403257730 "best lyrics ever" . _:b403257753 "funny" . _:b403257727 "post-punk" . _:b403257807 "haha some idiot tagged this song with: sense of humor" . _:b403257805 "classic rock" . _:b403257755 "satire" . _:b403257780 "song titles: famous names" . _:b403257738 "cussing" . _:b403257774 "11"^^ . _:b403257768 "16"^^ . _:b403257802 "uspunk70s" . _:b403257723 "songs from under the floorboards" . _:b403257773 "5"^^ . _:b403257775 "11"^^ . . _:b403257772 "5"^^ . _:b403257758 "rock n roll stops the traffic" . _:b403257771 "5"^^ . _:b403257720 "rock" . _:b403257770 "5"^^ . _:b403257769 "5"^^ . _:b403257743 "garage" . _:b399162397 . _:b403257761 "the name game" . _:b403257767 "5"^^ . _:b399162398 . . _:b403257762 "22"^^ . _:b403257756 "one of my all-time fave artists" . _:b403257766 "5"^^ . _:b403257765 "5"^^ . _:b403257772 "namedropping" . "302624"^^ . _:b403257729 "lizvelrene loves" . _:b403257718 "streaming live versions" . _:b403257764 "5"^^ . . _:b403257763 "5"^^ . _:b403257737 "alternative rock" . . "7bd6b1a1-817c-40d8-8128-444b79912a15" . _:b403257761 "5"^^ . _:b403257760 "5"^^ . . _:b403257765 "gundabil" . _:b403257791 "5"^^ . _:b403257789 "11"^^ . . . _:b403257790 "5"^^ . . "Pablo Picasso" . _:b403257809 "post-punk forerunners" . _:b403257786 "post-punkys mother fuckers" .