_:b418798224 "0"^^ . _:b418798227 "0"^^ . "Wonderful One" . _:b418798220 . _:b418798226 "0"^^ . _:b418798218 . _:b418798219 . "Ballads" . _:b418798216 . _:b418798217 . _:b418798229 "0"^^ . _:b418798222 . _:b418798223 . _:b418798220 . _:b418798221 . _:b418798228 "0"^^ . _:b418798222 . _:b418798231 "0"^^ . . "4088" . "1920s jazz standards" . _:b418798214 . "Compositions by Ferde Grof\u00E9" . _:b418798215 . _:b418798230 "0"^^ . _:b418798218 . _:b418798234 . _:b418798216 . _:b418798219 . _:b418798235 . _:b418798232 . _:b418798227 . _:b418798217 . _:b418798233 "0"^^ . _:b418798224 . _:b418798233 . "12222401" . _:b418798238 . _:b418798239 . _:b418798236 . _:b418798237 . _:b418798232 "0"^^ . _:b418798226 . "Tony Bennett songs" . "5714deea25ac0d8aee55dc15" . _:b418798227 . _:b418798224 . "-0.36995"^^ . "english" . _:b418798235 "0"^^ . _:b418798223 . _:b418798225 . _:b418798230 . "2011-05-24"^^ . _:b418798231 . . _:b418798228 . _:b418798229 . _:b418798234 "0"^^ . _:b418798229 . . _:b418798228 . . _:b418798237 "0"^^ . "Songs with lyrics by Theodora Morse" . _:b418798225 . _:b418798231 . "Wonderful One" . _:b418798236 "0"^^ . _:b418798226 . _:b418798240 . _:b418798239 "0"^^ . _:b418798240 "0"^^ . _:b418798238 "0"^^ . "false"^^ . "197000.0"^^ . "126"^^ . "false"^^ . . _:b418798234 . _:b418798236 . "1922 songs" . . "%22Wonderful One%22 is a popular song recorded by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra on January 25, 1923 in New York and was released as Victor 19019-B. The record reached no. 3 on the Billboard chart." . "false"^^ . _:b418798215 "0"^^ . _:b418798230 . "Songs with music by Paul Whiteman" . "Pop standards" . _:b418798214 "0"^^ . _:b418798217 "0"^^ . . _:b418798216 "0"^^ . "-0.211696"^^ . _:b418798214 . _:b418798235 . _:b418798219 "0"^^ . "0"^^ . _:b418798218 "0"^^ . _:b418798240 . _:b418798221 "0"^^ . _:b418798238 . . _:b418798232 . . _:b418798220 "0"^^ . _:b418798237 . _:b418798223 "0"^^ . _:b418798222 "0"^^ . _:b418798239 . _:b418798215 . . "2"^^ . _:b418798233 . "FR6V80656973" . _:b418798225 "0"^^ . _:b418798221 .