_:b403808308 . _:b403808309 . _:b403808304 "happy" . _:b403808310 . _:b403808305 "blues brothers" . _:b403808311 . "1398" . _:b403808304 . _:b403808306 "1"^^ . _:b403808305 . _:b403808306 . _:b403808307 . _:b403808316 . _:b403808307 "1"^^ . _:b403808317 . _:b403808318 . _:b403808304 "3"^^ . . _:b403808319 . _:b403808312 . _:b403808313 . _:b403808314 . _:b403808305 "3"^^ . _:b403808315 . _:b403808292 . _:b403808293 . _:b403808294 . "PT137.24841269S"^^ . _:b403808295 . _:b403808288 . _:b403808270 "1"^^ . _:b403808289 . _:b403808290 . _:b403808291 . "Atlantic Records singles" . _:b403808300 . _:b403808331 "cover" . _:b403808243 "old school soul" . _:b403808271 "1"^^ . _:b403808301 . _:b403808302 . _:b403808303 . _:b403808268 "0"^^ . _:b403808296 . _:b403808297 . _:b403808298 . _:b403808299 . _:b403808263 "40"^^ . _:b403808276 . "January 1964" . _:b403808269 "1"^^ . _:b403808277 . _:b403808278 . _:b403808279 . _:b403808272 . _:b403808266 "1"^^ . _:b403808273 . _:b403808274 . _:b403808275 . _:b403808267 "0"^^ . _:b403808284 . _:b403808285 . _:b403808286 . _:b403808287 . . _:b403808280 . _:b403808264 "1"^^ . _:b403808281 . _:b403808295 "funk" . _:b403808282 . _:b403808265 "3"^^ . _:b403808283 . _:b403808260 . _:b403808261 . _:b403808262 . . _:b403808263 . _:b403808262 "0"^^ . _:b403808256 . _:b403808257 . _:b403808258 . _:b403808259 . _:b403808264 "philly soul" . _:b403808268 . _:b403808269 . _:b403808270 . _:b403808271 . _:b403808260 "0"^^ . _:b403808264 . . _:b403808265 . _:b421847633 "0"^^ . "-16.4"^^ . _:b403808266 . _:b403808267 . _:b403808261 "1"^^ . . _:b421847632 "0"^^ . "0.634377"^^ . _:b403808278 "majors beloved fm" . _:b403808258 "3"^^ . _:b403808259 "7"^^ . _:b403808309 "soul" . _:b421847635 "0"^^ . _:b403808313 "metro classics" . . _:b421847634 "0"^^ . . _:b403808256 "1"^^ . _:b421847637 "0"^^ . . . _:b403808257 "1"^^ . "USAT29902209" . . . _:b421847636 "0"^^ . _:b403808286 "1"^^ . _:b403808285 "wilson pickett - everybody needs somebody to love" . _:b403808269 "hope" . _:b403808255 "everybody needs somebody to love" . . _:b403808287 "1"^^ . _:b403808284 "1"^^ . . _:b403808285 "1"^^ . _:b403808257 "memphis soul" . . _:b403808333 "soulseb" . _:b403808283 "0"^^ . . . _:b403808298 "funky" . _:b403808282 "9"^^ . _:b403808324 . _:b403808280 "5"^^ . _:b403808281 "1"^^ . _:b403808325 . _:b403808321 "skakaci" . . _:b403808326 . _:b403808327 . _:b403808320 . _:b403808278 "1"^^ . _:b403808321 . _:b403808322 . _:b403808323 . _:b403808247 "60s soul" . _:b403808279 "1"^^ . _:b403808332 . _:b403808333 . _:b403808334 . _:b403808291 "male" . _:b403808335 . _:b403808328 . _:b403808329 . _:b421847617 "0"^^ . _:b403808330 . _:b403808286 "flott" . _:b403808331 . _:b403808276 "5"^^ . _:b403808277 "1"^^ . "Songs written by Bert Berns" . _:b421847616 "0"^^ . _:b403808274 "1"^^ . _:b421847619 "0"^^ . _:b403808277 "clssc" . _:b403808275 "0"^^ . _:b421847618 "0"^^ . _:b403808272 "3"^^ . _:b421847622 . _:b421847623 . _:b421847620 . _:b421847621 . _:b421847621 "0"^^ . _:b421847618 . _:b421847619 . _:b403808273 "1"^^ . _:b421847616 . _:b399140269 "happy" . _:b421847617 . _:b421847620 "0"^^ . _:b421847630 . _:b421847631 . _:b421847628 . _:b421847629 . _:b421847623 "0"^^ . _:b421847626 . _:b421847627 . _:b421847624 . "94.0"^^ . _:b421847622 "0"^^ . _:b421847625 . . _:b421847636 . _:b421847637 . _:b421847625 "0"^^ . _:b403808318 "ws2010 - 9" . _:b421847634 . _:b403808302 "jdm loves this song" . _:b403808311 "really really awesome" . _:b421847635 . _:b421847632 . _:b421847633 . _:b421847624 "0"^^ . _:b403808329 "jojomcgraw" . _:b421847627 "0"^^ . _:b403808244 "rock" . _:b421847626 "0"^^ . _:b403808301 "groovy" . _:b403808267 "jecks" . _:b403808274 "rb" . _:b421847629 "0"^^ . _:b421847628 "0"^^ . _:b421847631 "0"^^ . _:b403808316 "cover track" . _:b403808325 "sebfunk" . _:b421847630 "0"^^ . "137000.0"^^ . _:b403808303 "fmhz" . . "Everybody Needs Somebody To Love" . _:b403808270 "amerika" . "true"^^ . "true"^^ . "2008-02-04"^^ . _:b403808287 "garage" . _:b403808245 "why wasnt i listening to this earlier" . "Song recordings produced by Bert Berns" . "TRGGKLB128F147C6E8" . "Songs written by Solomon Burke" . "1964 singles" . _:b403808293 "driving" . _:b421847614 . _:b403808307 "apumrwork" . _:b421847615 . _:b421847613 . _:b403808334 "1"^^ . _:b403808334 "usa" . _:b399140270 "party" . _:b403808335 "1"^^ . _:b403808332 "1"^^ . "Bert Berns" . "Solomon Burke" . _:b403808333 "1"^^ . _:b403808253 "rnb" . "6"^^ . _:b403808330 "0"^^ . _:b403808331 "0"^^ . _:b403808323 "tungt09" . _:b403808328 "1"^^ . _:b403808306 "play1" . . _:b403808329 "0"^^ . _:b403808324 "the really loved" . _:b403808263 "60s" . _:b403808288 "classics" . _:b403808250 "northern soul" . _:b421847623 . _:b421847620 . _:b403808327 "1"^^ . "false"^^ . _:b403808324 "1"^^ . _:b421847617 . _:b403808326 "9"^^ . . _:b421847621 . _:b403808325 "1"^^ . _:b403808254 "ironman picks" . _:b421847619 . _:b403808308 "good trumpet" . _:b403808322 "1"^^ . _:b403808258 "stax soul" . "Songs written by Jerry Wexler" . _:b403808323 "1"^^ . _:b403808320 "1"^^ . _:b403808279 "men in blues" . _:b403808321 "1"^^ . _:b421847632 . _:b403808246 "male vocalist" . _:b421847629 . _:b403808271 "radiotsar approved" . "english" . _:b421847626 . _:b421847631 . _:b403808252 "jazzysfunkmotownandmore" . _:b403808327 "chadmccolgin plays the funk and rb" . . _:b421847637 . _:b421847635 . _:b421847633 . "293609"^^ . _:b403808289 "mellow radyosu" . _:b421847627 . _:b421847624 . _:b421847630 . _:b421847636 . _:b421847625 . _:b421847634 . _:b403808315 "neo-soul" . _:b403808282 "classic soul" . "-0.218937"^^ . _:b403808248 "oldies" . _:b403808294 "pop" . _:b421847628 . "0.0709344"^^ . _:b403808322 "black" . _:b403808320 "drivethruelvis at 11" . _:b403808272 "good" . _:b421847618 . _:b403808265 "1967" . . _:b421847622 . _:b399140270 "3"^^ . _:b421847616 . "The Rolling Stones songs" . _:b403808284 "ponte-lieder" . _:b399140269 "3"^^ . _:b399140269 . _:b399140270 . _:b421847614 . _:b403808290 "descobertas" . _:b403808314 "music for people with superior taste in music" . _:b403808326 "blues" . _:b403808254 "1"^^ . _:b403808255 "1"^^ . _:b403808310 "rhythm and blues" . _:b403808248 "16"^^ . _:b403808252 "0"^^ . "1964 songs" . "%22Everybody Needs Somebody to Love%22 is a song written by Bert Berns, Solomon Burke and Jerry Wexler, and originally recorded by Solomon Burke under the production of Bert Berns at Atlantic Records in 1964. Burke's version charted in 1964, but missed the US top 40, peaking at #58.Wilson Pickett covered the song in 1966, and his version (which explicitly mentions Solomon Burke in the opening section) made it to #29 pop, and #19 R&B in early 1967. Other notable versions of %22Everybody Needs Somebody to Love%22 were recorded by The Rolling Stones and The Blues Brothers.The song is ranked #429 on the Rolling Stone magazine's list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time." . _:b403808330 "acoustic" . "Bert Berns" . _:b403808253 "1"^^ . _:b403808300 "soul remedy" . "51f19bed-7099-4a37-9a1e-cdf0348df65d" . _:b403808250 "1"^^ . "Everybody Needs Somebody To Love" . _:b403808251 "1"^^ . _:b403808244 . _:b403808245 . _:b403808246 . _:b403808283 "oldies tag" . _:b403808247 . _:b403808249 "1"^^ . _:b403808302 "1"^^ . _:b403808243 . _:b403808268 "jazz" . _:b403808266 "best songs of the 60s" . _:b403808247 "5"^^ . _:b403808252 . _:b403808312 "acid jazz" . _:b403808253 . _:b403808303 "1"^^ . _:b403808254 . _:b403808255 . _:b403808246 "5"^^ . _:b403808297 "not the original" . _:b403808300 "0"^^ . _:b403808309 "100"^^ . _:b403808248 . _:b403808249 . _:b403808250 . _:b403808244 "0"^^ . _:b403808251 . _:b403808260 "stream" . _:b403808301 "0"^^ . _:b403808281 "all the best" . _:b421847613 "0"^^ . _:b403808245 "1"^^ . _:b403808298 "0"^^ . "6"^^ . _:b403808299 "0"^^ . _:b403808280 "love" . _:b403808249 "ho ho" . _:b421847615 "0"^^ . _:b403808243 "1"^^ . _:b403808296 "1"^^ . _:b403808317 "oh for the love of time and appropriateness" . _:b421847614 "0"^^ . "5714deec25ac0d8aee577046" . _:b403808297 "1"^^ . _:b403808292 "de avonden" . _:b403808294 "1"^^ . _:b403808295 "14"^^ . . _:b403808292 "1"^^ . _:b403808293 "3"^^ . _:b403808290 "1"^^ . _:b403808332 "southern soul" . . "765876" . "The Blues Brothers songs" . _:b403808291 "1"^^ . _:b403808288 "1"^^ . _:b421847613 . _:b403808256 "deep soul" . _:b403808273 "20th century" . _:b403808262 "olspur blues and soul radio" . _:b403808289 "1"^^ . _:b403808310 "35"^^ . _:b403808318 "1"^^ . _:b403808319 "3"^^ . . _:b403808319 "party" . "Jerry Wexler" . _:b421847615 . _:b403808276 "black music" . _:b403808316 "1"^^ . "Solomon Burke songs" . _:b403808261 "double-ender 10" . _:b403808317 "1"^^ . _:b403808335 "buy this" . _:b403808314 "1"^^ . _:b403808259 "wilson pickett" . _:b403808315 "0"^^ . _:b403808312 "0"^^ . _:b403808299 "favorites" . _:b403808251 "solomon burke" . _:b403808313 "1"^^ . _:b403808296 "nice" . _:b403808328 "best" . _:b403808311 "1"^^ . _:b403808308 "0"^^ . _:b403808275 "old school" .