_:b665119885 . "Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome."^^ . _:b665119894 . _:b665119893 . _:b665119878 . _:b665119879 . _:b665119895 . _:b254665142 . _:b665119880 . . _:b665119886 "2024-09-10T21:57:45.882268"^^ . "Note that the definition does not say 'generated exclusively by the co-ordinated expression of the organism's own genome', so this is still valid for cases where normal morphogenesis requires the actions of a facultative symbiont, or some looser dependency such as the a requirement for the presence of gut flora for normal gut development."^^ . . . "connected anatomical structure"^^ . . "Note that the definition does not say 'generated exclusively by the co-ordinated expression of the organism's own genome', so this is still valid for cases where normal morphogenesis requires the actions of a facultative symbiont, or some looser dependency such as the a requirement for the presence of gut flora for normal gut development." . . _:b254665141 . _:b665119888 . _:b665119884 . _:b665119879 . _:b665119885 . . _:b665119881 . _:b665119883 . _:b254665144 _:b254665141 . _:b665119878 . _:b665119886 . _:b254665140 _:b254665145 . _:b254665145 _:b254665144 . . _:b665119884 . . "Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." . _:b254665144 _:b254665143 . _:b665119878 . . _:b665119894 . _:b665119885 . _:b665119895 . . _:b254665143 . _:b665119880 . _:b254665143 _:b254665142 . _:b665119878 . _:b665119886 . _:b665119891 . _:b665119881 _:b665119880 . _:b665119879 . _:b665119894 . _:b665119890 . _:b665119882 _:b665119879 . _:b665119882 _:b665119881 . _:b665119883 _:b665119882 . _:b665119889 . _:b665119879 . _:b254665142 . . _:b665119878 _:b665119883 . . . "CARO:0000003"^^ . . _:b665119882 . _:b665119889 . . _:b665119883 . _:b254665141 . _:b665119890 . _:b665119888 . _:b665119886 . _:b665119880 . _:b665119894 . _:b665119895 . _:b665119881 . _:b665119884 . _:b254665140 . _:b665119895 . _:b665119892 _:b665119889 . _:b665119885 . _:b665119886 . _:b665119892 _:b665119891 . _:b665119893 _:b665119892 . . _:b665119884 . "CARO:0000003"^^ . _:b665119885 . _:b254665145 . _:b665119880 . "CARO:0000003" . _:b665119884 . _:b665119890 . . _:b665119885 . . _:b254665140 . _:b665119891 . _:b665119891 _:b665119890 . _:b665119889 . _:b665119879 . _:b665119888 . _:b665119890 . _:b665119891 . _:b665119890 . _:b665119888 . _:b665119889 . _:b665119889 . _:b665119894 . _:b665119895 . _:b665119892 . _:b665119894 . _:b665119893 . _:b254665141 . _:b665119882 . _:b665119883 . _:b665119888 _:b665119893 . _:b665119880 . _:b665119895 . _:b665119881 . _:b254665142 . _:b665119886 . "connected anatomical structure" . _:b665119884 . _:b665119893 . _:b665119892 .