_:b670486849 . _:b670486852 . . _:b670469561 . _:b670486849 . _:b670469564 . _:b670486849 . _:b670486852 _:b670486851 . _:b670469562 . _:b670469561 . _:b670486851 . _:b670486852 . . _:b670486850 . _:b670469563 . _:b670469562 . _:b670469561 _:b670469562 . "fog bow" . . _:b670486850 _:b670486852 . "fogbow"@en . _:b670469563 . _:b670486850 . "A rainbow which forms through the interaction of sunlight with the water droplets which constitute fog or clouds; light is diffracted by these droplets such that the photometeor appears almost white with faint reds on the sky-facing side and faint blues on the planet-facing side of the bow." . _:b670469561 . _:b670469562 _:b670469564 . "envoAtmo" . _:b670486851 . _:b670486851 . _:b670486849 . "Often, fogbows are treated as separate from rainbows; however, as the formation processes are much the same, we currently classify these as a subclass of rainbow pending input from domain experts." . _:b670469561 . _:b670469564 . _:b670486849 _:b670486850 . _:b670469564 _:b670469563 . _:b670469563 .