_:b665176588 . _:b665459145 . "PERSON: Bill Baumgartner"@en . _:b674016506 . _:b663277878 . _:b665122498 . _:b665970960 . _:b668379212 . _:b665795397 . _:b665970960 . _:b665794068 . _:b665857566 . _:b665176588 . _:b665795766 . _:b662809866 . _:b665177056 . . _:b668378843 . _:b662810235 . _:b665122129 . _:b665793699 . . _:b665857566 . _:b665970960 . _:b665795397 . _:b666092934 . _:b666092934 . _:b668379212 . "author information section"@en . _:b666093303 . _:b674016875 . "A part of a document about the authors that provides biographical information and may discuss how the authors' professional experiences are relevant to the work described in the document."@en . _:b665795766 . _:b665795397 . _:b663277878 . _:b665793699 . _:b665459515 . _:b668379212 . "contributor information"@en . _:b665971329 . _:b665970960 . _:b665857197 . _:b665793699 . "biographies"@en . _:b665795766 . _:b665459145 . _:b665794068 . _:b665122129 . _:b663276498 . _:b668716556 . _:b665176588 . _:b674016506 . _:b665122498 . _:b668379212 . _:b665176588 . _:b674016875 . _:b674016506 . _:b665122129 . _:b668716925 . _:b663276498 . _:b665857197 . _:b668378843 . _:b666092934 . _:b665971329 . . _:b662810235 . _:b668716556 . _:b668716925 . "author information section"@en . _:b668716925 . . _:b665459145 . _:b665857566 . _:b665122498 . _:b665794068 . _:b665177056 . _:b665793699 . _:b663276498 . _:b665177056 . "authors\u2019 information"@en . _:b662809866 . _:b663277878 . _:b665793699 . _:b668716925 . _:b666093303 . _:b674016875 . . _:b665176588 . _:b668716556 . _:b662810235 . _:b665459515 . _:b674016875 . _:b665795766 . _:b668716925 . _:b668379212 . _:b665857197 . "author information"@en . _:b665122498 . _:b668716556 . _:b663276498 . _:b665459515 . _:b665177056 . _:b665177056 . _:b665857566 . _:b665971329 . _:b668378843 . _:b674016875 . _:b665795766 . _:b662809866 . _:b663277878 . _:b665122129 . _:b662809866 . _:b665459515 . _:b665459145 . _:b665794068 . _:b665795766 . _:b663277878 . _:b665970960 . _:b665857197 . _:b665793699 . _:b674016506 . _:b665795397 . _:b668378843 . _:b663276498 . _:b665857566 . _:b665459145 . . _:b674016506 . _:b665176588 . _:b665857566 . _:b665177056 . _:b666093303 . _:b665459515 . _:b662810235 . _:b663276498 . _:b662810235 . _:b662809866 . _:b665459145 . _:b665122498 . _:b666093303 . _:b666093303 . _:b666092934 . _:b665795397 . _:b662810235 . _:b665122129 . _:b665971329 . _:b666092934 . _:b665795397 . _:b665857197 . _:b666092934 . _:b665794068 . _:b663277878 . _:b665971329 . _:b665459515 . _:b668716556 . "The section labelled 'author information' in a typical scientific journal article, e.g. in Takon. Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2011; 10: 25. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3204268/)"@en . _:b662809866 . _:b665970960 . _:b665857197 . _:b665971329 . _:b665122129 . _:b665122498 . _:b668378843 . _:b666093303 . _:b665794068 .