. _:b666092939 . _:b665857202 . _:b666093308 . _:b666092939 . _:b668378848 . _:b665459520 . . _:b665971334 . _:b665857571 . _:b663276503 . "conflict of interest section"@en . "declaration of interest"@en . _:b665177061 . _:b668378848 . _:b665795771 . _:b665795402 . _:b665794073 . _:b663277883 . _:b665176593 . . _:b665459520 . _:b665857571 . _:b665970965 . _:b665122503 . _:b666092939 . _:b663277883 . _:b665794073 . "conflict of interest statement"@en . _:b665459150 . _:b665970965 . _:b662810240 . _:b665122503 . "statement of interest"@en . "conflicts of interest"@en . _:b665970965 . _:b665793704 . _:b668379217 . _:b665795402 . _:b665122503 . _:b662809871 . _:b665971334 . "authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest"@en . _:b665177061 . _:b665971334 . _:b665459150 . "disclosure of conflict of interest"@en . _:b665970965 . _:b663276503 . _:b665459150 . _:b665122134 . _:b665459520 . _:b665857202 . _:b665795771 . _:b665857202 . _:b665970965 . _:b665795771 . _:b665459520 . "competing interests"@en . _:b668378848 . _:b663277883 . _:b665857202 . _:b665795402 . "conflict of interest section"@en . _:b668378848 . "declaration of competing interests"@en . _:b665122134 . _:b666093308 . _:b663276503 . _:b665122134 . _:b668379217 . _:b668379217 . _:b668379217 . _:b665176593 . . _:b665122134 . _:b663276503 . "The section labelled 'conflict of interest statement' in a typical scientific journal article."@en . _:b665176593 . _:b666092939 . _:b665857571 . _:b665857571 . _:b665971334 . _:b662809871 . _:b666093308 . _:b668378848 . _:b662810240 . _:b663277883 . _:b662810240 . _:b665795771 . _:b665794073 . _:b665122503 . _:b665794073 . "conflict of interests"@en . _:b665177061 . _:b665857202 . _:b662810240 . "A part of a document used to declare any competing interests regarding the authors and/or funding organization for the work described in the document."@en . _:b665795771 . "declaration of interests"@en . _:b666092939 . _:b665794073 . _:b662809871 . _:b665122503 . _:b665459520 . _:b665177061 . _:b665176593 . _:b663277883 . "conflict of interest"@en . _:b665176593 . _:b665122503 . _:b665122134 . _:b665793704 . _:b665795402 . _:b662809871 . _:b668379217 . _:b665795402 . _:b665794073 . _:b666093308 . _:b665857571 . "competing financial interests"@en . _:b665795771 . _:b665177061 . _:b663276503 . "duality of interest"@en . _:b662810240 . _:b662810240 . "declaration of competing interest"@en . _:b662809871 . _:b663277883 . _:b665459150 . _:b665971334 . _:b666092939 . "disclosure of potential conflicts of interest"@en . _:b666093308 . _:b666093308 . _:b665177061 . _:b665970965 . _:b663276503 . _:b665857571 . _:b665459520 . _:b662809871 . _:b665793704 . _:b665793704 . . _:b665459150 . "PERSON: Bill Baumgartner"@en . _:b665795402 . _:b665793704 . _:b665857202 . _:b665971334 . _:b665122134 . _:b665793704 . _:b665459150 . _:b665176593 . .