_:b662810245 . "funding source declaration section"@en . _:b665122139 . _:b662809876 . "A part of a document used to detail information regarding the source of funding used in support of the generation of the document content."@en . _:b665793709 . _:b662810245 . _:b665459155 . _:b662809876 . _:b665795407 . _:b665122139 . _:b665857207 . _:b665793709 . _:b665122139 . _:b663276508 . _:b665971339 . _:b665795407 . _:b665176598 . _:b665857576 . _:b665122139 . _:b665857207 . _:b663276508 . "financial support"@en . _:b668378853 . _:b665795776 . _:b665857207 . _:b665971339 . _:b668379222 . "funding source declaration section"@en . _:b665795776 . _:b665793709 . _:b665459525 . _:b665970970 . "grants"@en . _:b663277888 . . . "role of the funding source"@en . _:b665176598 . _:b665857576 . _:b662809876 . _:b666092944 . "PERSON: Bill Baumgartner"@en . _:b662809876 . _:b666093313 . _:b665795776 . _:b663277888 . _:b663277888 . _:b665857576 . _:b665459525 . _:b665794078 . _:b668379222 . _:b662809876 . _:b665459525 . _:b666093313 . _:b665794078 . _:b663276508 . _:b665857576 . _:b668379222 . _:b665459155 . _:b665177066 . "funding statement"@en . _:b665459525 . _:b668379222 . "funding information"@en . _:b665176598 . _:b665459525 . _:b665459155 . _:b665177066 . _:b666092944 . _:b666093313 . _:b668378853 . _:b668378853 . "source of funding"@en . _:b665857207 . _:b665970970 . _:b665122508 . _:b665971339 . _:b665795407 . _:b665971339 . _:b668378853 . _:b663277888 . _:b663276508 . _:b665795407 . _:b666093313 . _:b665794078 . _:b665176598 . _:b665177066 . "The section labelled 'funding' in a typical scientific journal article."@en . "funding sources"@en . _:b665857207 . _:b666093313 . "study funding"@en . _:b668378853 . _:b665857207 . _:b665459155 . _:b665459155 . _:b665793709 . _:b662810245 . _:b665795407 . _:b665176598 . _:b665971339 . _:b666092944 . _:b665971339 . _:b665122508 . _:b665795776 . _:b663276508 . _:b662810245 . _:b665122508 . _:b663277888 . _:b665459525 . _:b665794078 . _:b666092944 . _:b665177066 . _:b665857576 . _:b665459155 . . _:b666092944 . "funding/support"@en . _:b663277888 . _:b665122508 . _:b665795776 . _:b665122139 . _:b665793709 . _:b665122508 . _:b665122139 . _:b665793709 . _:b665970970 . . _:b665795776 . _:b665122508 . _:b665177066 . _:b668379222 . _:b665795407 . _:b665794078 . _:b665970970 . _:b665857576 . _:b662809876 . _:b665177066 . _:b666092944 . _:b665176598 . _:b662810245 . _:b662810245 . . "funding"@en . "sources of funding"@en . _:b665970970 . _:b665970970 . . _:b663276508 . _:b666093313 . _:b665794078 .