"supernatant collection system harvesting frame" . _:b665831456 . _:b665184340 . _:b665936562 . _:b665863671 . _:b665208637 . _:b665912265 . "Daniel Schober" . _:b665831456 . _:b665184340 . _:b665912265 . _:b665936562 . _:b665912265 . _:b665863671 . _:b665936562 . _:b665887968 . "A device that is designed for collecting 90% of the supernatant in a microplate well and separating the living cell with no stress, eliminating centrifugation and other similar techniques. It can be used in a variety of release assays with different radioactive isotopes, such as Cr51 or I125." . _:b665208637 . _:b665887968 . _:b665831456 . _:b665863671 . _:b665184340 . "google" . . _:b665208637 . _:b665912265 . _:b665807159 . _:b665807159 . _:b665807159 . _:b665863671 . "supernatant collection system harvesting frame" . _:b665887968 . _:b665184340 . . _:b665807159 . _:b665807159 . _:b665831456 . _:b665208637 . _:b665912265 . _:b665863671 . . _:b665936562 . _:b665831456 . _:b665936562 . _:b665887968 . _:b665184340 . _:b665208637 . _:b665887968 . .