_:b665936652 . _:b665888058 . _:b665807250 . _:b665831546 . _:b665912355 . _:b665831545 . _:b665208725 . _:b665936651 . _:b665831545 _:b665831547 . _:b665184429 _:b665184431 . _:b665888057 . _:b665184429 . _:b665936650 . _:b665912353 . _:b665208725 _:b665208726 . _:b665888056 . _:b665184431 _:b665184430 . _:b665936653 . "qualities such as weight, color are not assayed but measured, so they do not fall into this category." . . _:b665936652 . _:b665912355 . _:b665831547 _:b665831546 . _:b665863759 . _:b665807247 . "GROUP: Role Branch" . _:b665807249 . _:b665912354 . _:b665863762 . _:b665912356 . _:b665807247 . _:b665912353 _:b665912354 . _:b665912356 . _:b665863761 . _:b665208727 . _:b665863761 . _:b665831546 . _:b665863760 . _:b665912353 . "analyte role" . _:b665863762 . _:b665912354 . _:b665208728 . _:b665888056 . _:b665936650 _:b665936651 . _:b665208727 . _:b665888057 _:b665888059 . _:b665807247 . _:b665831547 . . _:b665936650 . _:b665863759 . "analyte role"@en . _:b665807250 . _:b665888059 _:b665888058 . _:b665184429 . _:b665208726 . _:b665936650 . _:b665184431 . _:b665807249 . _:b665184428 . _:b665863760 . _:b665184431 . _:b665807247 . _:b665888059 . "A measurand role borne by a molecular entity or an atom and realized in an analyte assay which achieves the objective to measure the magnitude/concentration/amount of the analyte in the entity bearing evaluant role."@en . "Feb 10, 2009. changes after discussion at OBI Consortium Workshop Feb 2-6, 2009. accepted as core term." . _:b665184428 _:b665184429 . . _:b665831544 _:b665831545 . _:b665863762 _:b665863761 . _:b665184430 . _:b665936653 . _:b665831544 . _:b665912353 . _:b665807248 . _:b665184428 . _:b665208726 _:b665208728 . _:b665863760 _:b665863762 . "interestingly, an analyte is still an analyte even if it is not detected. for this reason it does not bear a specified input role" . _:b665208725 . _:b665208725 . _:b665912354 _:b665912356 . _:b665863759 _:b665863760 . _:b665831544 . _:b665936651 . _:b665208725 . _:b665807250 _:b665807249 . "Glucose in blood (measured in an assay to determine the concentration of glucose)." . _:b665888057 . _:b665208728 . _:b665863759 . _:b665888056 . _:b665936650 . _:b665208727 . _:b665807248 _:b665807250 . _:b665936652 . _:b665888059 . _:b665831544 . _:b665912355 . _:b665208726 . _:b665863761 . . _:b665888058 . _:b665184428 . _:b665184428 . _:b665888058 . _:b665184430 . _:b665888056 . "OBI" . _:b665807247 _:b665807248 . _:b665912353 . _:b665831545 . _:b665912356 _:b665912355 . _:b665831544 . _:b665184430 . "pH (technically the inverse log of [H+]) may be considered a quality; this remains to be tested." . _:b665831547 . _:b665888056 _:b665888057 . _:b665807249 . _:b665831546 . _:b665936651 _:b665936653 . _:b665208728 _:b665208727 . _:b665863759 . _:b665807248 . _:b665936653 _:b665936652 .