_:b665927299 . _:b669111414 . _:b665199374 . _:b669087229 . _:b665223671 . "http://www.flocyte.com/FRTP/Resources/flow_cytometry_glossary.htm" . _:b665951596 . _:b665951596 . _:b665951596 . _:b665878705 . _:b665223671 . _:b665878705 . _:b665927299 . _:b665846490 . _:b665846490 . _:b669111414 . "flow_cell" . _:b665223671 . _:b669111414 . _:b669087229 . _:b665846490 . _:b665822193 . _:b665199374 . _:b665878705 . _:b669111414 . "Biofilm Flow Cell" . _:b665903002 . . _:b669087229 . _:b665822193 . _:b665822193 . . _:b665822193 . _:b665199374 . . _:b665927299 . _:b665903002 . "Person:John Quinn" . _:b665927299 . _:b665903002 . "flow cell" . _:b665223671 . _:b669087229 . _:b665846490 . _:b665927299 . _:b665878705 . "Aparatus in the fluidic subsystem where the sheath and sample meet. Can be one of several types; jet-in-air, quartz cuvette, or a hybrid of the two. The sample flows through the center of a fluid column of sheath fluid in the flow cell." . _:b665822193 . . _:b665951596 . "flow cell" . _:b665903002 . _:b665199374 . _:b665199374 . _:b669087229 . _:b665903002 . _:b665878705 . "Aparatus in the fluidic subsystem where the sheath and sample meet. Can be one of several types; jet-in-air, quartz cuvette, or a hybrid of the two. The sample flows through the center of a fluid column of sheath fluid in the flow cell."@en . _:b665846490 . _:b665223671 . _:b669111414 . _:b665951596 .