_:b665199392 . _:b665223689 . _:b665223690 . _:b665223690 . _:b665223691 . _:b665951616 . _:b665927317 . _:b665846508 . _:b665927318 . _:b665846509 . _:b665927319 . _:b665223691 . _:b665846510 . _:b665199394 . _:b669111433 . _:b665927317 . "R9647 by manufactured by Hamamatsu" . "A photomultiplier is a device that is normally in the form of a tube, that uses a photocathode to convert photons into photoelectrons which are then amplified. PMTs are typically used to detect SSC and fluorescent parameters. Cytometers have a PMT for each color they can collect."@en . . _:b665903021 . _:b665223689 . _:b665927319 . _:b665951616 . _:b669087248 . _:b665903020 . _:b665878723 . _:b665927318 . _:b665903021 . _:b665199394 . _:b669087249 . _:b665223691 . _:b669111433 . _:b665927317 . _:b665846509 . _:b665903020 . _:b665223690 . _:b669111432 . _:b665951615 . _:b665903022 . _:b665846509 . _:b665199392 . _:b665878725 . _:b665846508 . _:b669087249 . _:b665822213 . _:b665951614 . _:b665199393 . _:b665878724 . _:b665903022 . _:b669087248 . _:b665822212 . _:b669111434 . _:b665199394 . _:b665846510 . _:b665846510 . _:b665927319 . "photomultiplier tube" . "A photomultiplier is a device that is normally in the form of a tube, that uses a photocathode to convert photons into photoelectrons which are then amplified. PMTs are typically used to detect SSC and fluorescent parameters. Cytometers have a PMT for each color they can collect." . . _:b665927317 . . _:b665903022 . _:b665822211 . _:b665927318 . _:b665822211 . _:b665822212 . _:b665927319 . _:b665822213 . "http://cyto.mednet.ucla.edu/Protocols/flow.htm" . _:b669087247 . _:b669087249 . _:b665951615 . _:b669087248 . _:b665951614 . _:b669087249 . _:b665951615 . _:b665223689 . _:b665951614 . _:b665927317 . _:b665951614 . _:b669087248 . _:b665903020 . _:b665878723 . _:b665903021 . "photomultiplier tube" . _:b665951615 . _:b665822211 . _:b665903022 . _:b665878724 . _:b669111434 . _:b665903020 . _:b665223691 . _:b665951616 . _:b665927319 . _:b665822212 . _:b665878725 . _:b665199392 . _:b665878725 . _:b665199393 . _:b669087247 . _:b665199394 . _:b669087247 . _:b665927318 . _:b665822213 . _:b665223690 . _:b665846508 . _:b669111433 . _:b665878724 . _:b665846509 . _:b665822213 . _:b669087248 . _:b665951614 . _:b669111432 . _:b669111433 . _:b669087249 . _:b669111434 . _:b665846508 . _:b669111432 . _:b665846509 . _:b665223690 . _:b665878723 . _:b665903020 . _:b665822212 . _:b665878724 . _:b665951615 . _:b665878725 . _:b665846510 . _:b665903021 . _:b665223689 . _:b665199393 . _:b665846510 . _:b669111434 . _:b665903022 . _:b665199392 . _:b669111432 . . "John Quinn" . _:b669111433 . _:b669111432 . _:b665878723 . _:b665822211 . _:b665199394 . _:b665822211 . _:b669111434 . _:b665903021 . _:b665927318 . _:b665822213 . _:b665878725 . _:b665951616 . _:b665199392 . _:b665822212 . _:b665878723 . _:b665878724 . _:b665846508 . _:b665199393 . _:b665223691 . _:b669087247 . _:b665199393 . . _:b669087247 . _:b665223689 . _:b665951616 .