_:b665223737 . _:b665822258 . _:b665846556 . _:b665199439 . _:b665903067 . _:b665846555 . "DS: This was heated_bath. It was renamed to reflect the possability that the same bath can be used for cooling. We can now define the temperature variables and based on that infer if it is a cooling device or a heating device (also quite relative to surrounding temperature)." . _:b665223737 . _:b665223736 . _:b665223737 . _:b665223736 . _:b665878770 . _:b665822258 . _:b665199440 . _:b665878771 . _:b665822259 . _:b665199439 . _:b665951661 . . _:b665951662 . _:b665199440 . _:b665223736 . _:b665822259 . _:b665199439 . _:b665822258 . _:b665822258 . . "temperature control bath" . "OBI Instrument branch" . _:b665878771 . _:b665846556 . "Frank Gibson" . "Daniel Schober" . _:b665951661 . _:b665878770 . . _:b665878771 . _:b665878770 . _:b665822259 . _:b665199439 . _:b665878770 . _:b665951661 . _:b665951662 . _:b665951661 . _:b665951662 . _:b665846555 . _:b665846555 . _:b665951662 . _:b665927365 . _:b665903067 . _:b665846556 . _:b665199440 . _:b665223737 . _:b665878771 . _:b665223736 . _:b665927364 . _:b665199439 . _:b665903068 . _:b665199440 . _:b665223736 . _:b665878771 . . _:b665223737 . _:b665878770 . _:b665822258 . _:b665822259 . "Alan Ruttenburg" . _:b665927364 . _:b665927365 . _:b665903068 . _:b665846556 . _:b665927365 . _:b665927364 . _:b665846555 . _:b665927364 . _:b665927365 . _:b665951661 . _:b665951662 . _:b665903068 . _:b665903067 . _:b665927365 . "VWR Signature Deep-Chamber Heated Water Bath. A water bath is used for temperatures up to 100 degrees C. An oil bath is employed for temperatures over 100 degrees C." . _:b665199440 . _:b665927364 . "A temperature_control_bath is a device that has the function to regulate the temperature of a material, the function to contain fluid and the function to vary and maintain the temperature of the contained fluid. Heat exchange (energy transfer) between the material and the heating element is facilitated via the contained fluid. A temperature_control_bath is composed of a container, a heating element and/or a cooling element and a means to adjust the needed temperature. In most cases also a timer and a means to stir the fluid is provided as well." . _:b665903067 . _:b665903067 . _:b665822259 . _:b665903068 . _:b665846555 . _:b665846556 . _:b665903068 . "temperature control bath" .