. _:b665199460 . _:b665846575 . _:b669111499 . _:b669111500 . . _:b665927385 . _:b665903087 . _:b665927384 . _:b665822278 . _:b665822279 . _:b669087314 . _:b665199459 . _:b665199460 . _:b669087315 . _:b665223757 . _:b669111499 . . _:b669087315 . _:b665223756 . _:b665199459 . _:b665903088 . _:b665846576 . _:b665223756 . _:b665199459 . _:b665223757 . _:b665903088 . _:b665223757 . _:b669111500 . _:b665199460 . "microtome" . _:b665846576 . _:b665951681 . "PMID: 9974145.Serial sectioning of thick tissue with a novel vibrating blade microtome. Brain Res Brain Res Protoc. 1999 Jan;3(3):302-7." . _:b665878791 . "A microtome is a mechanical instrument used to cut biological specimens into very thin segments for further treatment (e.g. ISH) and ultimately microscopic or histologic examination. Most microtomes provide cooling facilities (cryo-microtome) and use a steel blade to cut a slice of defined thickness. Some are automatic, and some are driven by hand."@en . _:b665951681 . _:b665878790 . _:b665951682 . _:b665927385 . _:b665951682 . _:b665846576 . _:b665903087 . _:b665951681 . _:b669087315 . . _:b669087315 . _:b665822279 . _:b669087314 . _:b665846575 . _:b669087314 . "microtome" . _:b665822278 . _:b665822278 . _:b665951682 . "PERSON: Phillippe Rocca-Serra" . _:b665223757 . _:b665822279 . _:b665878790 . _:b665822278 . _:b665878791 . _:b665223756 . _:b665846576 . _:b665927385 . _:b665878791 . _:b665846575 . _:b665927384 . _:b665927384 . _:b669087314 . "A microtome is a mechanical instrument used to cut biological specimens into very thin segments for further treatment (e.g. ISH) and ultimately microscopic or histologic examination. Most microtomes provide cooling facilities (cryo-microtome) and use a steel blade to cut a slice of defined thickness. Some are automatic, and some are driven by hand." . _:b665903087 . _:b665846576 . _:b669087315 . _:b669111499 . _:b665199459 . _:b665903088 . _:b665846575 . "PERSON: Daniel Schober" . _:b665878791 . _:b669087314 . _:b665951682 . _:b669111500 . _:b665878790 . _:b669111499 . _:b665903088 . _:b669111500 . _:b665199460 . _:b669111500 . _:b665927384 . _:b665927385 . _:b665903087 . _:b665822279 . _:b665951681 . _:b665903088 . _:b665199459 . _:b665822279 . _:b665878790 . _:b665951682 . _:b665199460 . _:b665822278 . _:b669111499 . _:b665878790 . _:b665878791 . _:b665951681 . _:b665903087 . _:b665223756 . _:b665927384 . _:b665846575 . _:b665927385 . _:b665223756 . _:b665223757 .