_:b665878864 . _:b665927453 . _:b665822349 . _:b665846646 . "A planned process with the objective of gaining possession of an entity."@en . _:b665822348 . _:b665223826 . _:b665822351 . _:b665822350 . _:b665878863 . _:b665927457 . _:b665927454 . _:b665951750 _:b665951751 . . _:b665199528 . _:b665223830 _:b665223829 . _:b665822347 . _:b665223828 _:b665223830 . _:b665223830 . _:b665903161 . _:b665822349 . _:b665199529 . _:b665903161 _:b665903160 . _:b665199529 . _:b665199530 . _:b665951752 _:b665951753 . _:b665903160 . _:b665822351 . _:b665199528 . _:b665223825 . _:b665199531 _:b665199533 . _:b665199533 _:b665199532 . _:b665903161 . _:b665223827 . _:b665903159 _:b665903161 . _:b665903160 . _:b665223826 . _:b665846648 . _:b665223829 . _:b665846644 . _:b665927453 . _:b665223828 . _:b665822348 . _:b665846646 . _:b665927455 _:b665927456 . _:b665951752 . _:b665927453 . _:b665878864 . _:b665199531 . _:b665927454 . _:b665927455 . _:b665223829 . _:b665927458 . _:b665223830 . _:b665951754 . _:b665199528 . _:b665927455 . _:b665199530 . _:b665927454 . _:b665878864 _:b665878863 . _:b665951750 . _:b665927453 _:b665927454 . _:b665927455 . _:b665903159 . _:b665846647 . _:b665822352 . _:b665199532 . _:b665822347 . _:b665199528 _:b665199529 . _:b665822347 . _:b665822348 . _:b665903157 . _:b665199529 . "acquisition"@en . _:b665822349 . _:b665223828 . _:b665903156 . _:b665951750 . _:b665199530 _:b665199531 . _:b665951752 . _:b665903156 . _:b665903159 . "Following OBI call November 2012,5th:\naddition of a restriction to acquisition class to capture the need of having selection criteria\nRelates to the creation of a class 'selection rule'"@en . _:b665846644 . _:b665951753 . _:b665927457 . _:b665903157 . _:b665903158 . _:b665822348 . _:b665846645 . _:b665878859 _:b665878860 . _:b665951752 . _:b665951752 . _:b665903158 . _:b665846646 . _:b665951755 . _:b665199532 . _:b665951751 . _:b665223825 . _:b665951754 . _:b665878861 _:b665878862 . _:b665223826 . _:b665846645 . _:b665223827 . "5/31/2012 - OBI workshop: This process is not implying ownership of the material / information." . . _:b665878860 . "Bjoern Peters"@en . _:b665822350 . "Downloading a 3D structure from the PDB. Purchasing antibodies from sigma." . _:b665878861 . _:b665951753 . _:b665822350 _:b665822352 . _:b665927457 . _:b665846649 _:b665846648 . _:b665927456 . _:b665846645 . _:b665927458 . _:b665846644 . . _:b665223825 . _:b665951750 . _:b665951751 . _:b665951751 . _:b665846647 _:b665846649 . _:b665951751 . _:b665223829 . _:b665951750 . _:b665878862 _:b665878864 . _:b665822352 _:b665822351 . _:b665903158 . _:b665878859 . _:b665223826 . _:b665878861 . _:b665903156 . _:b665903158 . _:b665927453 . _:b665846648 . _:b665927455 . _:b665878859 . _:b665878859 . _:b665951754 . _:b665878861 . _:b665846649 . _:b665878860 . _:b665822347 _:b665822348 . _:b665846648 . _:b665822351 . _:b665822349 . _:b665878863 . _:b665878862 . _:b665822349 _:b665822350 . _:b665223827 . _:b665822352 . _:b665846646 _:b665846647 . _:b665927454 . _:b665846644 _:b665846645 . _:b665199529 . _:b665903156 . _:b665927458 _:b665927457 . "IEDB"@en . _:b665199528 . _:b665878859 . _:b665878863 . _:b665199531 . _:b665878860 . _:b665927456 _:b665927458 . _:b665199530 . _:b665878861 . _:b665223825 . _:b665223827 . _:b665199533 . _:b665846645 . _:b665223827 _:b665223828 . _:b665199532 . _:b665951753 _:b665951755 . _:b665846644 . . "This needs to be fleshed out and logical definitions added that will allow to place the children terms automatically under acquisition"@en . _:b665846647 . _:b665846646 . _:b665951755 _:b665951754 . _:b665927456 . _:b665199530 . _:b665903160 . _:b665903158 _:b665903159 . _:b665223825 _:b665223826 . _:b665951755 . _:b665878860 . _:b665903156 _:b665903157 . _:b665846649 . _:b665903157 . _:b665903157 . _:b665199533 . _:b665822347 . "acquisition"@en . _:b665878862 .