_:b665199606 . "OBI branch derived"@en . "This does not apply to the case where the cells are lysed"@en . _:b665878937 . _:b665903234 . _:b665846722 . . _:b665951828 . _:b665927531 . _:b665846722 . "PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch"@en . _:b669087461 . _:b665878937 . _:b669087461 . _:b665822425 . _:b665951828 . _:b665903234 . _:b669087461 . _:b665223903 . _:b665903234 . _:b665822425 . _:b665927531 . "a protocol which results in the separation of supernatant material from a cell culture"@en . _:b669111646 . . _:b665846722 . _:b669111646 . _:b669087461 . _:b665846722 . _:b665223903 . _:b665927531 . _:b665927531 . . _:b665223903 . _:b665822425 . . _:b665199606 . "isolation of cell culture supernatant"@en . _:b669111646 . "Pouring out a portion of the fluid part of an adherant cell culture growing in a flask.; The centrifugation of a T cell culture followed by aspiration of the supernatant while the cellular pellet remains in the centrifuge tube."@en . _:b669087461 . "isolation of cell culture supernatant"@en . _:b665903234 . _:b665822425 . _:b665878937 . _:b665846722 . _:b665822425 . _:b665951828 . _:b665878937 . _:b665903234 . _:b665878937 . _:b665223903 . _:b665927531 . _:b669111646 . _:b665199606 . _:b665199606 . _:b669111646 . _:b665951828 . _:b665951828 . _:b665223903 . _:b665199606 .