_:b665861439 . _:b666238336 . _:b663515962 . "XAO:0004001"^^ . _:b663520203 . _:b665079511 . _:b665798721 . _:b663520203 . _:b665805579 . _:b665860693 . _:b666239082 . _:b663913467 . . _:b665797975 . _:b665798721 . _:b665421327 . _:b663516708 . _:b663520203 . _:b665130891 . "organism substance"^^ . _:b665860693 . _:b664388142 . _:b665080257 . _:b665862185 . "AAO:0010839"^^ . _:b663913467 . _:b664388888 . _:b663520949 . . _:b666238336 . _:b665797229 . _:b665799605 . _:b663516708 . _:b665800351 . _:b665421327 . _:b665799605 . "SPD:0000008"^^ . _:b666208824 . _:b665420581 . "BILA:0000004"^^ . _:b665806325 . _:b666209570 . _:b665130891 . . _:b666208824 . _:b665079511 . _:b665080257 . _:b663913467 . _:b665860693 . _:b665861439 . . _:b665861439 . _:b665080257 . _:b665130891 . _:b663515962 . "TGMA:0001824"^^ . _:b665420581 . _:b665421327 . "UBERON:0000463"^^ . _:b666239082 . "FMA:9669"^^ . _:b665862185 . "VHOG:0001726"^^ . _:b666238336 . _:b663520203 . _:b664388142 . _:b665798721 . _:b665797975 . _:b665862185 . "organism substance" . _:b665131637 . "CALOHA:TS-2101"^^ . "MA:0002450"^^ . _:b663515962 . _:b665797229 . _:b665080257 . _:b665862931 . _:b665806325 . _:b666238336 . "ZFA:0001487"^^ . "NCIT:C13236"^^ . "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body."^^ . . _:b665131637 . _:b665797975 . . _:b665800351 . _:b665862931 . _:b664388142 . _:b665806325 . _:b665862185 . _:b665797975 . _:b665131637 . "EHDAA2:0003004"^^ . _:b665799605 . _:b663515962 . _:b664388142 . _:b666209570 . _:b665080257 . _:b663516708 . _:b663913467 . _:b666208824 . . . _:b663914213 . "AEO:0000004"^^ . _:b665860693 . _:b665806325 . _:b665079511 . "FBbt:00007019"^^ . "portion of body substance"^^ . _:b663520949 . _:b665862185 . _:b665798721 . . _:b665805579 . _:b663520203 . "CARO:0000004"^^ . _:b663515962 . _:b665862931 . _:b665079511 . _:b663520949 . _:b665080257 . _:b665420581 . _:b666239082 . _:b666208824 . _:b665796483 . _:b664388142 . "TAO:0001487"^^ . _:b665130891 . _:b665420581 . "galen:BodySubstance"^^ . _:b665800351 . _:b664388888 . _:b665862931 . "organism substance"^^ . _:b665805579 . _:b665861439 . _:b663914213 . _:b666209570 . _:b664388888 . _:b665420581 . _:b665799605 . _:b665796483 . _:b665798721 . _:b665130891 . "EMAPA:35178"^^ . . _:b665796483 . _:b663914213 . _:b663520949 . _:b666209570 . "body fluid or substance"^^ . _:b665796483 . "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body." . _:b665421327 . _:b663515962 . _:b664388888 . "portion of organism substance"^^ . _:b663520949 . _:b665079511 . _:b663914213 . _:b664388888 . _:b665797229 . _:b665131637 . _:b665861439 . . _:b665130891 . "HAO:0000004"^^ . _:b665799605 . _:b666208824 . _:b665800351 . _:b665421327 . _:b666239082 . _:b663913467 . . _:b665860693 . _:b666209570 . _:b664388888 . _:b665862931 . _:b665131637 . _:b663516708 . _:b663516708 . _:b666238336 . "organism substance" . _:b663913467 . _:b665806325 . _:b665797229 . _:b663914213 . "body substance"^^ . _:b663520203 . _:b665797229 . "uberon"^^ . _:b663516708 . _:b665805579 . _:b665796483 . _:b665797975 . _:b664388142 . _:b665079511 . _:b663520949 . _:b665800351 . _:b665805579 . _:b665131637 . _:b666239082 . _:b663914213 .