_:b663912268 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663912271 "2005-08-09" . _:b663911987 "2005-08-08" . _:b665408973 "Added comment" . _:b663912269 . _:b663280346 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408975 . "This class corresponds to the FRBR group three entity 'Concept'."@en . _:b663911989 . _:b663911986 "2005-08-08" . _:b663912268 . _:b663280349 "2005-08-09" . _:b663280347 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408974 "2005-08-08" . _:b665408974 . _:b663911988 . _:b663280347 . _:b663912271 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . "An abstract notion or idea.\n\nThe entity defined as concept encompasses a comprehensive range of abstractions that may be the subject of a work: fields of knowledge, disciplines, schools of thought (philosophies, religions, political ideologies, etc.), theories, processes, techniques, practices, etc. A concept may be broad in nature or narrowly defined and precise. "@en . _:b665408973 "2005-08-08" . _:b665408973 . _:b663280346 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663280346 . _:b665408972 . _:b665408972 "2005-08-08" . _:b663280349 . . _:b663280349 . _:b665408692 "2005-08-08" . _:b663912270 "2005-08-08" . _:b663280346 . . _:b663280348 . _:b663280347 . _:b663280348 . _:b663280348 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . _:b663912269 "2005-08-08" . _:b665408690 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663912268 "2005-08-08" . "concept"@en . _:b663911988 "2005-08-08" . _:b663911989 "2005-08-09" . "An abstract idea or notion."@en . _:b663280349 . _:b663280349 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . _:b663280347 "Added comment" . . _:b663280348 . _:b665408691 "Added comment" . _:b663911987 . _:b663912270 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408692 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . . _:b663911986 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663911986 . _:b663912271 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280631 . _:b663280631 . _:b663912268 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280630 . _:b663280347 "2005-08-08" . _:b663280630 . _:b663912269 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280629 . _:b663280346 "2005-08-08" . . _:b663280629 . _:b665408693 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . _:b663911988 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . _:b663280628 . _:b663280630 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . _:b663280628 . _:b665408974 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408691 . _:b665408975 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280628 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663911989 . _:b663912271 . _:b665408690 . _:b663912268 . _:b663911989 . _:b663912269 . _:b665408972 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911986 . _:b663911988 . _:b663911987 . _:b663911988 . _:b663912270 . _:b665408973 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912269 "Added comment" . _:b665408974 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . _:b663280348 "2005-08-08" . _:b665408975 "2005-08-09" . . _:b663911988 "Ian Davis" . . _:b663911989 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408693 . _:b663912270 "Made subclass of skos:Concept" . _:b663280631 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . _:b663911986 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408692 . _:b663280630 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911987 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280631 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911989 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . . _:b663280628 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408692 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280631 "2005-08-09" . _:b663280629 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408693 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408975 "Extracted definition from existing comment" . _:b665408690 "Ian Davis" . . _:b665408693 "2005-08-09" . _:b665408691 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408972 "Added isDefinedBy property referring to FRBR core namespace" . _:b663911987 "Added comment" . _:b663280630 "2005-08-08" . . _:b663911987 . _:b663280629 "2005-08-08" . _:b663912271 . _:b665408975 . _:b665408972 . _:b663911986 . _:b665408693 . _:b665408973 . _:b665408692 . _:b665408690 . _:b663280628 "2005-08-08" . _:b663912270 . _:b665408691 . _:b665408974 . _:b663280629 "Added comment" . _:b663912269 . _:b665408691 "2005-08-08" . _:b663280347 . _:b663912271 . _:b663280631 . _:b665408690 "2005-08-08" . _:b663912268 . _:b663280348 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280628 . _:b663280346 . _:b663280629 . "2005-07-15" . _:b663912270 . . _:b663280630 . _:b663280349 "Ian Davis" .