_:b670130247 . _:b670130246 . _:b663912221 . _:b670130245 . _:b663912220 . _:b670130244 . . "\n This vocabulary is a work in progress, it includes RDF classes for the group 1, 2 and 3 entities\n described by the FRBR report and properties corresponding to the core relationships between\n those entities. It does not yet describe attributes of the entities. Where possible, appropriate \n relationships with other vocabularies are included in order to place this vocabulary in the \n context of existing RDF work.\n "@en . _:b670130529 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b670130249 . _:b670130248 . _:b668373076 . _:b665408922 . _:b668373072 . _:b665408924 . _:b665408925 . _:b663911939 . _:b668373073 . _:b665408920 . _:b665408921 . "2005-07-15" . _:b668373074 . _:b668373075 . _:b663911938 . _:b665408923 . _:b665408642 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b663911937 . _:b665408925 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b668373071 . _:b663911936 . _:b663911934 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b668373355 . _:b663911935 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373354 . _:b663911934 "2005-08-10" . "\n This vocabulary is an expression in RDF of the concepts and relations described in the\n IFLA report on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). \n "@en . . _:b668373353 . _:b670130527 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130526 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280295 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408641 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b665408924 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280294 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373358 . _:b668373071 . _:b668373355 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b665408925 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373073 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b668373357 . _:b665408922 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373356 . _:b665408923 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280299 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373355 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408920 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280298 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373071 . _:b665408921 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373354 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280297 "2005-08-10" . _:b663911938 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b668373353 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280296 "2005-08-10" . _:b663911935 . _:b663911934 . . _:b668373075 . "Copyright \u00A9 2005 Richard Newman and Ian Davis" . _:b668373358 "2005-08-10" . _:b663912218 . _:b665408923 . _:b663912220 . _:b670130248 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912221 . _:b668373357 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373074 . _:b663912216 . _:b663912217 . _:b665408922 . _:b668373073 . _:b670130249 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373356 "2005-08-10" . _:b663912219 . _:b665408921 . _:b670130246 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373072 . _:b670130244 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b665408920 . _:b670130247 "Ian Davis" . "Expression of Core FRBR Concepts in RDF"@en . _:b665408924 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b670130244 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130245 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280296 . _:b663911937 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b665408925 . _:b668373076 . _:b663280578 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b668373354 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b663280297 . _:b663280298 . _:b663280299 . _:b665408924 . _:b663280296 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b663280294 . _:b663280295 . _:b663911934 . _:b663911935 . _:b663280580 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280581 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b670130246 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b665408923 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280581 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408922 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280578 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408921 "2005-08-10" . "frbr" . "&frbr;" . _:b663912220 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b663280579 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408920 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280576 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912219 . _:b663280577 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912218 . _:b663912217 . _:b665408925 "2005-08-10" . _:b663912216 . _:b665408924 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130528 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b663280299 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b665408923 . _:b663280295 . _:b663912221 . _:b665408922 . _:b663280294 . _:b663912220 . _:b665408639 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b665408921 . _:b663280295 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b665408920 . _:b668373356 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b663280299 . _:b663911938 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912216 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b663912217 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b663280298 . _:b663911939 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130526 . _:b663280298 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b670130527 . _:b665408925 . _:b663911936 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280297 . _:b665408924 . _:b663911937 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280296 . _:b665408640 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b670130247 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373074 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b670130246 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130245 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408643 . _:b668373071 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b670130244 "2005-08-10" . "Ian Davis " . _:b665408642 . . _:b665408920 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b665408641 . . _:b665408640 . _:b668373075 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130249 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130248 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373074 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130528 . _:b670130245 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b668373073 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130529 . _:b670130530 . _:b668373072 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130531 . _:b663912219 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130531 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b663280579 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373353 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b670130249 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . . _:b663912218 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280578 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408643 . _:b663912217 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280577 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130531 . _:b665408642 . _:b663912216 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373076 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373075 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b663280576 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373358 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130530 . _:b665408641 . _:b663280580 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b663911936 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b670130529 . _:b665408640 . _:b668373356 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130528 . _:b663280579 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b663912221 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280581 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373357 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280297 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b665408639 . _:b663912220 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280294 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b663280580 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373354 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408638 . _:b665408640 . _:b668373355 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408641 . _:b665408642 . _:b665408643 . _:b665408923 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b665408642 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373353 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408643 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130248 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b665408640 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408641 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911935 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b663280576 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b665408643 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373076 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b665408642 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408641 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408640 "2005-08-10" . _:b663911939 . _:b663911938 . _:b668373355 . _:b663911937 . _:b668373354 . _:b663911934 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911936 . _:b668373353 . _:b663911935 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130526 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . _:b668373357 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . "Bruce D'Arcus" . _:b670130530 "Made domains and ranges of many properties more specific" . _:b668373071 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408638 "Sorted properties and classes alphabetically by URI" . . _:b665408921 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b668373358 . _:b663912219 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . _:b668373357 . "2005-08-10" . _:b663911936 . _:b668373356 . _:b663911939 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b663911937 . _:b663911938 . _:b663911939 . _:b668373354 . _:b668373356 . _:b668373355 . _:b668373357 . _:b668373358 . _:b670130527 . _:b668373353 . _:b670130526 . _:b663280298 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280299 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280579 . _:b663280296 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280578 . _:b663280297 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280577 . _:b663280294 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280576 . _:b663280295 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280581 . _:b670130530 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280580 . _:b670130531 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130528 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130529 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130526 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130527 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911939 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373072 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b663911938 "2005-08-10" . _:b663911937 "2005-08-10" . _:b668373358 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b663911936 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408639 . _:b665408638 . _:b663912221 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b665408638 "Ian Davis" . _:b665408922 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b670130248 . _:b665408639 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130249 . _:b670130247 . _:b663280578 . _:b663280580 . _:b670130246 . _:b663280581 . _:b663280576 . _:b670130244 . _:b663280577 . _:b670130245 . _:b663280579 . _:b663280295 . . _:b663280294 . _:b665408638 . _:b665408639 . "Richard Newman" . "&vocabid;" . _:b663280299 . _:b663280298 . _:b670130527 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b665408639 "2005-08-10" . _:b663280297 . _:b665408638 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130531 "2005-08-10" . _:b665408643 "Item is now not a subclass of geo:SpatialThing" . _:b663280296 . _:b663280577 "Added experimental paraphrases to property and class descriptions" . _:b670130530 "2005-08-10" . _:b670130529 "2005-08-10" . _:b663911935 . _:b668373075 . _:b663280579 . _:b670130528 "2005-08-10" . _:b663912220 "Ian Davis" . _:b663911934 . _:b668373074 . _:b663280578 . _:b668373076 "Ian Davis" . . _:b663912221 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912218 "Fixed type in film example and added creator and date" . _:b663280577 . _:b668373073 . _:b663912218 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373072 . _:b663280576 . _:b668373074 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912219 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373075 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912216 "Ian Davis" . _:b668373072 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912219 . _:b663912217 "Ian Davis" . _:b663280581 . _:b668373073 "Ian Davis" . _:b663912218 . _:b668373076 . _:b663280580 . _:b663912217 . _:b668373071 "Ian Davis" . _:b670130247 "Added alternate, alternateOf, reconfiguration, reconfigurationOf properties" . . _:b663912216 .