_:b138276998 "1979-01-01"^^ . _:b138276998 "Christopher Hamlet Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Chris T" . _:b138276998 "Chr. Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Chris Thompson & Night" . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "Chris Thomson" . _:b138276998 "C.T." . _:b138276998 "Ch. Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Thompson, Chris" . _:b138276998 "C Thompson" . _:b138276998 "C. T." . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "Chris" . _:b138276998 "Chris Tompson" . _:b138276998 "e5fcfcb6-45d2-438a-90f6-9fa9f7784697" . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "Chris T." . _:b138276998 "C. Thomson" . _:b138276998 "NZ raised singer best known as the vocalist for Manfred Mann's Earth Band on most of their hits. Has also performed with Alan Parsons, Man Doki and has released a number of solo records. Also he recorded together with Norwegian guitarist Mads Eriksen, who also does the live support for Thompson together with his band.Do not confuse with the Australian indie rock producer/ engineer Chris Thompson (2)!" . _:b138276998 "Chris Hamlet Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Thomson" . _:b138276998 "1975-01-01"^^ . _:b138276998 "Chris Thompson" . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "Chris Hamlet Thomspson" . _:b138276998 "Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Christopher Thompson" . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "114733" . _:b138276998 "C.Thompson" . _:b138276998 "Male" . _:b138276998 "Christopher Thomson" . _:b138276998 "1997-01-01"^^ . _:b138276998 . _:b138276998 "Christopher Hamlet Thompson" . _:b138276998 "C. Thompson" . _:b138276998 "1980-01-01"^^ .