_:b138278835 "292438" . _:b138278835 "1964-01-01"^^ . _:b138278835 "The Paragans" . _:b138278835 . _:b138278835 "The Paragones" . _:b138278835 "The Fabulous Paragons" . _:b138278835 "Paragon" . _:b138278835 "The Parragons" . _:b138278835 "Jamaican vocal group, mostly known for rocksteady tracks.The Paragons were originally Garth Evans (aka Tyrone Evans), Bob Andy, Junior Menz, and Leroy Stamp, and went by the name The Binders. In 1964 Stamp was replaced by John Holt, and Howard Barrett replaced Menz, and the name was changed to The Paragons. Bob Andy left the group in late 1965, and The Paragons continued as a trio. After John Holt left to pursue a solo career, Vic Taylor took his place." . _:b138278835 "be976b44-a297-425c-be6a-a648418b3161" . _:b138278835 "Pargons" . _:b138278835 "Paragons" . _:b138278835 . _:b138278835 . _:b138278835 "The Parigans" . _:b138278835 "The Paragons" . _:b138278835 . _:b138278835 "The Paragon" . _:b138278835 "Parrogens" . _:b138278835 "Paragans" .