_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges And Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges & His Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges Band" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges & The Ellingtonians" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges Et His Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges And His Band" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges And His Big Band" .
_:b138280927	<http://purl.org/ontology/mo/discogs>	<https://www.discogs.com/artist/843805> .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges' Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://ns.inria.fr/wasabi/ontology/discogs_id>	"843805" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges Et Son His Orchestre" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"D\u017E. Hod\u017Eeso Vadovaujamas Orkestras" .
_:b138280927	<http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract>	"After 23 years with Duke Ellington's Orchestra, saxophonist Johnny Cornelius Hodges started his own band in March 1951. The band lasted until September 1955, when Johnny Hodges returned to his place as leader of the Duke's reed section and participated in one of the many revivals of the history of the best big bands in the history of jazz." .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges Et Son Orchestre" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043D\u043D\u0438 \u0425\u043E\u0434\u0436\u0435\u0441 \u0418 \u0415\u0433\u043E \u041E\u0440\u043A\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0440" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Hodges Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodgers & His Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name>	"Johnny Hodges and His Orchestra" .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges & His Orch." .
_:b138280927	<http://schema.org/alternateName>	"Johnny Hodges And His Orch." .
_:b138280927	<http://purl.org/ontology/mo/musicbrainz_guid>	"2529b6d1-2bd5-4a57-b119-db4402ebd0c4" .