General elections were held in Malta on 22 February 1992. The Nationalist Party remained the largest party, winning 34 of the 65 seats. The Labour party performed very poorly in the 1992 election, losing by nearly 13,000 votes. Mifsud Bonnici resigned due to deteriorating health and on the 26 March Labour elected Alfred Sant as the new leader.
Les élections générales maltaises de 1992 (en anglais : Maltese general election, 1992) permettent d'élire les députés de la dix-neuvième législature de la Chambre des députés, pour un mandat de cinq ans.
W wyborach do Izby Reprezentantów na Malcie w 1992 roku zwyciężyła Partia Narodowa przy frekwencji 95,3%. Do obsadzenia było 65 miejsc w parlamencie.
Le elezioni parlamentari a Malta del 1992 si tennero il 22 febbraio e videro la vittoria del Partito Nazionalista.
Les Eleccions legislatives malteses de 1992 es van celebrar el 22 de febrer de 1992. Va guanyar el Partit Nacionalista, i el seu cap fou nomenat primer ministre.
General elections were held in Malta on 22 February 1992. The Nationalist Party remained the largest party, winning 34 of the 65 seats. The Labour party performed very poorly in the 1992 election, losing by nearly 13,000 votes. Mifsud Bonnici resigned due to deteriorating health and on the 26 March Labour elected Alfred Sant as the new leader.
Les élections générales maltaises de 1992 (en anglais : Maltese general election, 1992) permettent d'élire les députés de la dix-neuvième législature de la Chambre des députés, pour un mandat de cinq ans.
W wyborach do Izby Reprezentantów na Malcie w 1992 roku zwyciężyła Partia Narodowa przy frekwencji 95,3%. Do obsadzenia było 65 miejsc w parlamencie.
Le elezioni parlamentari a Malta del 1992 si tennero il 22 febbraio e videro la vittoria del Partito Nazionalista.
Les Eleccions legislatives malteses de 1992 es van celebrar el 22 de febrer de 1992. Va guanyar el Partit Nacionalista, i el seu cap fou nomenat primer ministre.
General elections were held in Malta on 22 February 1992. The Nationalist Party remained the largest party, winning 34 of the 65 seats. The Labour party performed very poorly in the 1992 election, losing by nearly 13,000 votes. Mifsud Bonnici resigned due to deteriorating health and on the 26 March Labour elected Alfred Sant as the new leader.