| - Is é is Cumann Múinteoirí Éireann (Béarla:The Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO)), ann ná an ceardchumann is mó in Éirinn do mhúinteoirí, bunmhúinteoirí i bPoblacht na hÉireann atá i gceist ann. Tá ceanncheathrú an chumainn lonnaithe ar , i mBaile Átha Cliath.
- L'Organització de Mestres Nacionals Irlandesos (irlandès: Cumann Múinteoirí Éireann; anglès: Irish National Teachers' Organisation, INTO) és un sindicat de professorat d'Irlanda. Fundat l'any 1868, és el sindicat de mestres més gran i més antic del país. Representa mestres de primari a la República d'Irlanda, i de primari i secundària a Irlanda del Nord. La seu al sud es troba a , Dublín, i la del nord a Belfast.
- 아일랜드 전국교사기구(아일랜드어: Cumann Múinteoirí Éireann 쿠먼 문티르 에런, 영어: Irish National Teachers' Organisation; INTO)는 아일랜드 최대의 교사 노동조합이다. 1868년 세워졌으며 본부는 더블린 에 있다. 현재 INTO 총재는 로세나 조던(Rosena Jordan)이고 사무장은 남아일랜드에 셸리아 누넌(Sheila Nunan), 북아일랜드에 게리 머피(Gerry Murphy)이다.
- The Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) (Irish: Cumann Múinteoirí Éireann), founded in 1868, is the oldest and largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland, and at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland. The head office is at Parnell Square, Dublin, and there is a Northern Irish office in Belfast. The current INTO President (2022–23) is John Driscoll; John Boyle is the General Secretary and Gerry Murphy is the Northern Secretary.