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An Entity of Type : yago:WikicatTrueFrogs, within Data Space : wasabi.inria.fr associated with source document(s)

Lithobates is a genus of true frogs, of the family Ranidae. The name is derived from litho- (stone) and the Greek bates (βάτης, one that treads), meaning one that treads on rock, or rock climber. The name was defined by Hillis and Wilcox (2005) for a subgenus of four Central and South American frogs within the genus Rana. The subgenus was subsequently expanded to seven species in Central and South America in a systematic revision of the genus Rana. The name was previously used by Frost et al. as a separate genus of ranid frogs that included most of the North American frogs traditionally included in the genus Rana, including the American bullfrog and northern leopard frog. Frost used the name in this sense in the frog section of a North American common names list edited by Crother (2008). T

  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Lithobates
  • Американська жаба
  • Lithobates est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae.
  • Lithobates – rodzaj płaza bezogonowego z rodziny żabowatych (Ranidae).
  • Lithobates es un género de anfibios anuros de la familia Ranidae. Fue descrito por primera vez por Leopold Fitzinger en 1843 a partir de un ejemplar de Rana palmipes Spix, 1824 de América del Sur. El conjunto de especies de este género es llamado ranas de agua americanas​ y pueden encontrarse desde América del Norte hasta el sur de Brasil.​
  • Lithobates is een geslacht van kikkers behorend tot de familie echte kikkers (Ranidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Leopold Fitzinger in 1843. Later werd de wetenschappelijke naam Ranula gebruikt. Er zijn 52 soorten inclusief de pas in 2014 beschreven soort . Alle soorten behoorden eerder tot het geslacht Rana, maar zijn na recent onderzoek (2006) daarvan afgesplitst. Lithobates-soorten komen voor in Noord-, Midden- en noordelijk Zuid-Amerika. Veel soorten worden aangeduid met luipaardkikker, vanwege de tekening van afstekende ronde vlekken.
  • Lithobates é um gênero de anuro da família Ranidae. Foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1843 por Leopold Fitzinger a partir de um espécime de Rana palmipes (Spix), no ano de 1824 na América do Sul. O conjunto de espécies deste gênero é designado de "rãs-da-água-americana" ou "rana-de-água-americana", e são encontradas da América do Norte até ao Sul do Brasil. Metade das espécies desse gênero, encontram-se ameaçadas de extinção, sendo que mais de 60% das suas populações estão diminuindo significativamente em número. Uma das espécies deu-se como extinta em 1994 - a.
  • Lithobates is a genus of true frogs, of the family Ranidae. The name is derived from litho- (stone) and the Greek bates (βάτης, one that treads), meaning one that treads on rock, or rock climber. The name was defined by Hillis and Wilcox (2005) for a subgenus of four Central and South American frogs within the genus Rana. The subgenus was subsequently expanded to seven species in Central and South America in a systematic revision of the genus Rana. The name was previously used by Frost et al. as a separate genus of ranid frogs that included most of the North American frogs traditionally included in the genus Rana, including the American bullfrog and northern leopard frog. Frost used the name in this sense in the frog section of a North American common names list edited by Crother (2008). T
  • Lithobates és un gènere d'amfibis anurs de la família Ranidae.
  • Американська жаба (Lithobates) — рід жаб родини жаб'ячих (Ranidae). Включає 52 види. Тривалий час розглядався як підрід бурої жаби. Лише у 2006 році визначено як самостійний рід.
  • Lithobates är ett släkte av groddjur. Lithobates ingår i familjen egentliga grodor.
  • Lithobates anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Ranidae familian sailkatua.
  • Lithobates — род бесхвостых земноводных из семейства настоящих лягушек. Включает 49 видов. Долгое время рассматривался как подрод бурых лягушек. Только в 2006 году выделен в самостоятельный род.
  • External Image
described by
  • Fitzinger, 1843
  • Lithobates
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