| - Sam Coslow (* 27. Dezember 1902 in New York City; † 2. April 1982 ebenda) war ein US-amerikanischer Songwriter, Komponist und Filmproduzent.
- Sam Coslow (New York City, 27 dicembre 1902 – Bronxville, 2 aprile 1982) è stato un paroliere, compositore e editore statunitense. Fu autore di canzoni diventate classici del jazz (come My Old Flame, Cocktails for Two, Sing You Sinners).
- Sam Coslow, né le 27 décembre 1902 à New York (États-Unis) et mort le 2 avril 1982 à Bronxville (États-Unis), est un auteur-compositeur, chanteur, producteur et éditeur américain.
- Sam Coslow (December 27, 1902 – April 2, 1982) was an American songwriter, singer, film producer, publisher and market analyst. Coslow was born in New York City. He began writing songs as a teenager. He contributed songs to Broadway revues, formed the music publishing company Spier and Coslow with Larry Spier and made a number of recordings as a performer.