The Miles Davis Quintet did not exist continously, but was formed several times with different basic line-ups. Mainly known are the two %22Great Quintets%22.%22First Miles Davis Quintet%22 or First Great Miles Davis Quintet%22 - 1955 to 1958 with the following main artists (changes in line-up not shown here):[a23755] — Trumpet[a97545] — Tenor Saxophone[a253641] — Piano[a259778] — Double Bass[a257251] — Drumsincreased to Sextet in 1958 with [a61585] — Alto Saxophone %22Second Miles Davis Quintet%22 or %22Second Great Miles Davis Quintet%22 - 1964 to 1969 with the following main artists (changes in line-up not shown here):[a23755] — Trumpet[a29979] — Tenor Saxophone[a3865] — Piano[a95088] — Double Bass[a261295] — DrumsOutside these timespans there were also several Quintets besides the so called %22Great Quintets%22. Several albums performed by the described Quintets are not credited to the group PAN, but to [a23755], please submit an %22Ensemble%22 credit in these cases! (E.g. [r2882493])